
  • 网络Ghost World;Thirteen Ghosts
  1. 日本人主要把莲与死亡以及幽灵世界连在一起。

    Japanese primarily connect lotus flower and death as well as the specter world together .

  2. 通过把它转变为奇怪的鬼怪和幽灵世界,从而,他将西方医学重植于一个新的宗教环境。

    By transposing Western medicine into the strange world of ghosts and spirits , he thus relocated it in a new religious context .

  3. 马尔萨斯关于全球食品短缺的幽灵追随着世界经济的发展,这在现代经济史上不是第一次。

    This is not the first time in modern economic history that the Malthusian spectre of global food shortages has stalked the world economy .

  4. 它就像一个幽灵一样在世界各地游荡,在不同的历史时期、不同的国家地区或不同的政治文化环境中不时闪现。

    Populism appears in different historical periods , different countries or different political and cultural environment . It has been wandering around the world , like a ghost .

  5. 实际上,对冲基金这个神秘的幽灵不过是世界经济一体化和衍生金融工具不断创新的产物。

    In fact , hedge fund , this secret " ghost ", is just a product of the unification of world economy and the constant innovation derivation financial instrument .

  6. 像一个幽灵,在这个世界上日复一日,年复一年的到处漂移。

    Like a ghost , I wafted in the world day after day , years after years .