
nián zī
  • seniority;years of service
年资 [nián zī]
  • [age and service seniority] 年纪和资历

  1. 晋级应以年资为准,还是以能力为准?

    Ought promotion to go by seniority or by abilities ?

  2. 经χ2检验,均有显著性差异(P<0.005)。建议护理管理者要重视高年资及门诊科室护理人员的学历教育。

    There were significant differences between both ( by χ 2 test , all P < 0.005 ), suggesting that the education for nurses with higher seniority be enhanced .

  3. 由2位高年资腹部影像诊断医生在不知胃镜、手术和病理结果的情况下,盲法分析CT平扫、动脉期及静脉期图像及三维重建图像。

    All the CT images were analyzed independently by 2 radiologists without information about gastroscopic , surgical and histological results .

  4. 因为虽然从它并购美国西部航空(AmericaWest)至今已经过去了长达七年的时间,但它目前仍在吃力地合并两家公司的年资表。

    US Airways knows this all too well as it is still trying to merge its seniority lists seven years after its merger with America West .

  5. 目的开发基于医学影像存储与传输系统(PACS)的交互式CT影像教学模块,满足临床医生和低年资影像诊断医生对CT影像知识进一步继续医学教育的需求。

    Objective To explore the interactive teaching model for CT imaging based on PACS , and provide the clinician and young radiologist with continued medical education .

  6. 工作年资及是否轮班可能影响HRV,但其机转仍须进一步探讨。

    Job year and shift duty may influence the HRV of nurses , but the mechanism is necessary to be further studied .

  7. 结果低年资注册护士的心理健康水平低于一般人群,其SCL-90的强迫、抑郁、焦虑、人际关系、偏执因子高于常模,P<0.01。

    There were significant differences in compel , depression , anxiety , inter-person relationship , and crankiness between young the registered nurses and the normal people ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 该书也是最流行的最近的MMC迄今为止的指南并为低年资医生提供实用的医学事业的视角。

    The book is also the most current and up-to-date guide on the recent MMC and foundation years initiatives and offers a pragmatic insight into a career in medicine for junior doctors .

  9. 2位高年资放射科医师在三种CTA技术重建所得颈脑血管显示上的Kappa值为0.845。

    For the two experienced radiologists on the manifestation of cervical and cerebral arteries reconstructed from the raw CT data set of the three kinds of CT angiography techniques , the Kappa value was 0.845 .

  10. 结果:平均ROC曲线下面积从不用CAD输出图像的0.762增加至用CAD输出图像的0.825(P<0.05),在使用CAD输出图像时,低年资影像医师比高年资影像医师的平均ROC曲线下面积增加更多。

    Results : The average area under the curve value increased significantly from 0.762 without to 0.825 with CAD output images ( P < 0.05 ) . Individually , the use of CAD output images was more beneficial to radiology residents than to experienced radiologist .

  11. 方法运用SCL-90对临床86例低年资护士进行测评。结果低年资护士SCL-90总均分、阳性项目数、躯体化因子及精神因子分与国内常模比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    Methods 86 junior nurses who were in hospital were investigated with SCL-90 . ( Results The ) average score and positive items and factor-scores of SCL-90 such as somatization , spirit of the junior nurses had no significant difference with the norm ( P > 0.05 );

  12. 低年资护士心电监护知识掌握情况调查

    A Survey on the Junior Nurses ' ECG Monitoring Knowledge Status

  13. 低年资护士阅读护理期刊现状调查

    Investigation on the Present Condition of the Junior Nurses Reading Nursing Periodicals

  14. 手术室低年资护士应急协调能力的培训

    Cultivating Emergency and Coordination Capability for Junior Operating Room Nurses

  15. 年资薪酬结构是日式薪酬的主要特征。

    Japanese-style compensation is characterised by a seniority pay structure .

  16. 报告按年资高低列出他们的姓名。

    The report listed their names in order of seniority .

  17. 她在内政部是一位年资较浅的大臣。

    She 's a junior minister at the home office .

  18. 并不会因为你年资高就会有工作了。

    Being a senior does not get you a job .

  19. 临床低年资护士自我防护能力调查

    A survey of self-protection ability of clinical young-age nurses

  20. 低年资精神科护士职业焦虑及相关因素

    Occupation Anxiety and Related Factor of Junior Psychiatric Nurses

  21. 主持人选择标准与收视频次和收视年资有显著的关联性。

    Host selection criteria and receive video views and ratings seniority significant relevance .

  22. 低年资医务人员医院感染学知识掌握情况的调查与分析

    A survey about the mastery of nosocomial infection knowledge in young medical staff

  23. 客观结构化临床考试在低年资护士中的应用

    Application of objective structure clinical examination for in nurses with less past services

  24. 提高神经外科低年资护士应急能力的有效途径

    The method to increase the emergency handling ability of junior nurses in neurosurgical department

  25. 团体咨询在低年资护士应对患者死亡情境中的应用

    The effects of group counseling on coping with patient death situation of inferior nurses

  26. 低年资护士心理健康状况调查分析

    Survey of Mental Health of Junior Nurses

  27. 夜班护士低年资化的弊端及护理管理对策

    Abuse and nursing management strategies for night shift nurse with lower age and services seniority

  28. 骨科低年资护士应急能力培训的实施

    Evaluation on the Results of Training in Emergency-handling Ability of Junior Nurses in Orthopedic Department

  29. 我院低年资住院医师规范化培训的实施

    Standardized training of junior resident in hospital

  30. 另一组为从事临床工作不足5年的低年资骨科医生3名。

    The other is made up of 3 low-grade doctors who worked under 5 years .