
  • 网络law of average rate of profit
  1. 平均利润率规律在市场经济条件下的作用

    Functions of the Law of Average Rate of Profit under Market Economy

  2. 马克思关于利润平均化和平均利润率规律作用的理论具有普遍价值,尤其对当前我国产业结构的调整具有非常现实的指导意义。

    Marx 's theory of " the equality of profits and the law of average rate of profit " is of universal significance , especially to the current reform of industrial structure in China .

  3. 我国产业结构的调整迫切需要发挥平均利润率规律的作用,充分展开对投资场所的竞争,只有如此,才能根本解决产业结构不合理的问题。

    Unless we follow this guiding principle of Marx and allow adequate competitions for investement , we would find it impossible to solve the problem of irrationality in the industrial structure .

  4. 这些问题是可以在坚持马克思主义劳动价值论以及平均利润率下降规律前提下,在本文的理论框架内得以解决。

    All these problems can be solved within the theoretical framework of the thesis under the premise of sticking to Marxist labor theory of value and rule of declining average profit rate .

  5. 在这个阶段,马克思预言的平均利润率下降规律在自动化程度高的重工业、高技术产业与直接劳动占主体的服务业之间发挥了作用。

    In this stage , the rule of declining average profit rate predicted by Marx plays a part in highly automatized heavy industry and high-tech industry as well as service industry with direct labor as main body .

  6. 平均利润率趋向下降的规律

    Law of the falling tendency of the average rate of profit