
dì guó zhǔ yì
  • imperialism;imperialist states
帝国主义 [dì guó zhǔ yì]
  • (1) [imperialism]∶指垄断的、寄生的、腐朽的、垂死的资本主义,是资本主义发展的最高和最后阶段

  • (2) [imperialist states]∶指帝国主义国家

帝国主义[dì guó zhǔ yì]
  1. 强权即公理--这是帝国主义的逻辑。

    Might is right -- that is the logic of imperialism .

  2. 帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。

    Imperialism is monopolistic , parasitic and moribund capitalism .

  3. 发达国家全都从他们的帝国主义剥削中获益。

    The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation .

  4. 这部剧被广泛解读为对帝国主义征服的讽喻。

    The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest

  5. 他们已做好抗击美国帝国主义政策的准备。

    They are ready to defend themselves against Uncle Sam 's imperialist policies

  6. 他们穷兵黩武,帝国主义色彩浓厚。

    They were warlike and imperialistic .

  7. 他们的策略是扩张性的、带有帝国主义特色,当没有抗衡力量的时候自然也就被发挥到了极致。

    Their strategy is expansionist and imperialist , and it is greatest in effect , of course , when there is no countervailing power

  8. 我国许多珍贵文物被帝国主义掠走了。

    Many of our cultural treasures have been plundered by imperialists .

  9. 我们两国人民都有遭受帝国主义压迫的共同经历。

    Our two peoples share the same experience of having been oppressed by imperialism .

  10. 广大劳动人民坚持不懈地进行斗争,终于迫使清政府不敢公然和帝国主义续订新约。

    The broad working masses were undaunted , and persisted in their struggle with the result that the Qing government did not dare to conclude a new treaty with the imperialists .

  11. 帝国主义强加给中国一系列不平等条约。

    The imperialists forced a series of unequal treaties upon china .

  12. 古老的帝国主义剥夺外国的利益将不包括在我们的计划之内。

    The old imperialism exploitation for foreign profit has no place in our plans .

  13. 他们鄙视帝国主义。

    They held the imperialism in contempt .

  14. 他继续镇压人民,为帝国主义效劳。

    He continued to suppress the people and serve the imperialists .

  15. 帝国主义国家将它的势力和影响扩展至邻近国家。

    EXTEND An imperialistic country extends its power and influence into neighboring countries .

  16. 帝国主义不能征服中国。

    Imperialism has not been able to subjugate China .

  17. WilhelmII统治下的德国开始了帝国主义进程,导致了其与邻国的摩擦。

    Under Wilhelm II Germany took an imperialistic course that led to friction with neighbouring countries .

  18. 弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(FriedrichWilhelmNietzsche,公元1844&1900年)是德国由自由资本主义向帝国主义过渡时期最敏锐地反映资产阶级要求的哲学家和政治思想家。

    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche ( 1844-1900 ) is a philosopher and political thinker who can keenly reflect the bourgeois demands during the period of transition from capitalism to imperialism .

  19. 这反映了罗斯福对华政策的帝国主义特性。

    This exposes the imperialist essence of Roosevelt 's China policy .

  20. 帝国主义强国总是要想兼并弱小的邻国。

    Imperialist powers always tend to gobble up their weaker neighbors .

  21. 特别是近代社会,帝国主义的入侵和封建主义的束缚,严重阻碍了中国经济与社会的发展,使中国陷入了半殖民地半封建的深渊。

    Thus , China sink into the semicolonial and semifeudal society .

  22. 日本帝国主义是我们第一个大好的反面教员。

    Japanese imperialism was our first top-flight teacher by negative example .

  23. 这是一个有关殖民统治和帝国主义扩张的典型故事。

    This is a classic story of colonisation and imperial expansion .

  24. 西方人反对外阴割礼是文化帝国主义吗?

    Is it cultural imperialism for Westerners to oppose genital mutilation ?

  25. 他们会揭竿而起推翻他们的帝国主义政府。

    They will rise up and overthrow their imperialist government .

  26. 我们恨日本帝国主义,是日本帝国主义压迫我们的结果。

    We hate Japanese imperialism because Japanese imperialism oppresses us .

  27. 就是说决定投降日本帝国主义。

    It signifies a decision to capitulate to Japanese imperialism .

  28. 在反对帝国主义和民族运动中也是如此。

    The same is the case with anti-imperialist struggles and nationality movements .

  29. 帝国主义国家扩张它的势力和影响至邻近的国家。adj.忠实的,忠诚的;

    An imperialistic country extends its power and influence into neighboring countries .

  30. 帝国主义在中国:文化视野下条约体系的演进

    Imperialism in China : Evolution of the Treaty System in Cultural Perspective