
  • 网络Marketing;marketing strategy;strategic marketing
  1. 在分析公司市场营销战略时运用了BCG矩阵模型,帮助公司选择潜力大的市场区域作为企业的重点发展方向。

    The BCG was used to analyzed the marketing strategy , which helps the company choose a market with bigger potential as its developing stress .

  2. 在内外部环境系统分析的基础上运用SWOT分析法提出了聚鑫铸造厂的市场营销战略。

    On the basis of systematic analysis of the company 's inner and outer environments , the author will put forward the marketing strategy by using the analyzing tool of SWOT model .

  3. MM跨国公司半导体材料部中国市场营销战略研究

    Marketing Strategy Studying of Semiconductor Material Division , MM China

  4. 网络时代IBM公司实施企业再造的市场营销战略初探

    Preliminary analysis of IBM marketing strategy in enterprise reconstruction in the network era

  5. 遵循这一市场营销战略理念,从21世纪开始,国内电信企业掀起了客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement)的浪潮。

    In line with this marketing strategic concept , Chinese telecommunication industry has seen an enormous promotion on the customer relationship management ( CRM ) .

  6. MM半导体材料部作为一家著名跨国公司的事业部,在中国面临内部变革的压力、外部经营环境变化而带来新的机遇和挑战,因此公司需要重新规划和调整其中国市场营销战略。

    MM Semi Material Division belongs to one famous multi-national company . marketing & sales strategy ;

  7. SD强化地板市场营销战略

    The Marketing Strategy of SD Laminate Flooring Products

  8. 3G技术环境下我国电信运营商市场营销战略研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of Chinese Telecommunication Operators under the Circumstances of 3G Technology

  9. 湖南省电信公司3G业务市场营销战略及策略研究

    Research on the Marketing Strategies and Policies of the Third Generation Mobile Communication of Hunan Telecom

  10. HW公司进入中国3G手机行业的市场营销战略

    Marketing Strategy on HW Company Entry 3G Cell Phone Industry of China

  11. HS公司塑钢门窗市场营销战略研究

    The Study on Market Strategy of HS Company

  12. XXX公司国际市场营销战略与策略分析

    Analysis of XXX Company 's International Sales & Marketing Strategies

  13. 比较主要竞争对手营销策略,有针对性制定X公司市场营销战略行动纲领,给出了基于技术营销的营销战略。

    According to the comparation with its main competitor on marketing strategy , it makes action programme of marketing strategy that is based on technology marketing for company .

  14. 为金鹭公司可持续发展制定正确可行的市场营销战略,是笔者撰写此文所希望解决的问题,这也是对笔者MBA课程学习成果的一个检验。

    Setting down a correct and practical marketing strategy for GESAC is what I would like to achieve with this thesis .

  15. 30KT公司VOIP产品市场营销战略研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of VOIP Products of 30 KT Company

  16. 莱福特苏州FPC产品市场营销战略

    Laifute ( Suzhou ) FPC Product Marketing Strategy

  17. 因此,TCEB已就其市场营销战略进行了调整,通过开展‘豪华MICE’行动,把着眼点集中在这一尚未开发的市场上。

    TCEB has therefore adjusted its marketing strategy to focus on this untapped niche market by launching our Luxury MICE initiative .

  18. 第二部分以加入WTO为背景提出经济全球化时代下农产品市场营销战略:品牌营销、绿色营销、网络营销。

    In the second part , under the background of China 's WTO entry , agricultural marketing strategy in the age of economic globalization is put forward , which includes brand marketing , green marketing and network marketing .

  19. 最后从人力资源战略、市场营销战略、基于EVA的集团管控战略等三个方面入手,制定了一系列战略目标实现的保障措施。

    Finally from the strategic human resources , marketing strategy , the group control strategy based on EVA such three aspects , formulated a series of strategic target realization safeguard measures .

  20. 同时,指导C2C商家在适当的时机,实施适当的市场营销战略,为C2C商家的经营活动提供借鉴。

    At the same time , appropriate guidance and marketing strategy are been provided for C2C businesses , which are references for activities of C2C business .

  21. 第四部分:HF公司市场营销战略,对市场进行细分,并确定目标市场及HF公司的市场定位,确定HF公司的竞争战略;

    The fourth chapter includes the market segmentation , the selection of target market , and make out the marketing strategy on the basis of the PLC of product and the seating order of product in the target market .

  22. 最后结合中国EMS整体发展战略,找出制约南昌EMS发展的结症,从而提出创新南昌EMS营销体系的市场营销战略思路,并对这一战略的实施方案、反馈与控制,进行设计。

    Finally unifies the Chinese EMS whole developmental strategy , discovers restricts the Nanchang EMS development trouble , thus proposed innovates the Nanchang EMS marketing system market marketing strategy mentality , and to this strategic implementation plan , the feedback and the control , carries on the design .

  23. IGMS模型整合了市场营销战略的三个观点和两个理论,有助于全面提升跨国公司的全球营销管理水平。

    IGMS model integrated three viewpoints and two theories of marketing strategy , and helpful for multinational corporations to comprehensively improve the global marketing management level .

  24. 创业型企业最缺乏的就是经验,因此,如何对教学仪器行业进行全方位的调研和分析,制定出切实有效的企业发展规划和市场营销战略,是DCNS公司亟待解决的重要问题。

    Entrepreneurial enterprises lack badly in experience , therefore , how to conduct a full range research and analysis of teaching equipment industry and develop effective marketing strategies and business development planning is the urgent issues to be solved for DCNS .

  25. 嘉陵集团国内市场营销战略和策略研究

    A Research into Domestic Marketing Strategies and Tactics of JIALING Group

  26. 青岛啤酒川渝市场营销战略研究

    Marketing Strategy Research on TSingtao Beer in Sichuan & Chongqing Region

  27. 谈当前我国煤炭企业的市场营销战略

    On the present marketing strategies of China 's coal mine companies

  28. 论现代医院医疗服务市场营销战略

    The marketing business strategies in the medical care of modernized hospital

  29. 浅析广告与市场营销战略的关系

    Probe into the Relation between the Advertisement and the Marketing Strategy

  30. 促销在企业的市场营销战略中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    Sales promotion plays an important role in modern enterprises marketing strategies .