
  1. 其次投标人必须要严格遵守市场竞争规则;

    Second , the blenders must strictly obey the rules of market competition .

  2. 中国经济转型和市场竞争规则建设

    The Transformation of the Chinese Economic System and the Construction of Market Competition Regulations

  3. 非自然垄断业务部分则应运用一般的市场竞争规则。

    Only if the natural monopoly business part should be applicable to the general market competition rule .

  4. 在严格的工具理性和市场竞争规则的指导下,学校教育成了残酷地甄别和选拔学生的阶梯。

    Under the guidance of market competition principle , school education became a grim ladder of screening students .

  5. 市场竞争规则、经济增长模式以及社会生活方式都发生了深刻变化。

    The rules of marketing competition , the model of ecomony increment and the ways by which we abide have dramatically changed .

  6. 同时全球价值链条又有着不同的动力来源,而处于不同驱动力价值链条中某个环节的地方产业集群只有遵循该驱动模式下的市场竞争规则,才能获得正面竞争效应。

    Then , the local industrial cluster development strategy must depend on the market competitive rules decided by different dynamics of the global value chains .

  7. 随着市场竞争规则的变化,企业在提升产品质量的同时,越来越注意提高客户服务的质量,以提高企业的核心竞争力。

    With the change of market competition rule , enterprise pays more attention to customer care to improving core competitive capacity as improving product quality at the same time .

  8. 圣翰财贸职业学院在这种机遇与挑战并存的时代背景下,圣翰学院的发展必须遵循市场竞争规则,以企业需求为核心,走品牌院校之路,才能永续发展,基业长青。

    S.H Vocational College of Finance and Trade Opportunities and challenges in this context of the times , S.H Institute of market competition , development must follow the rules to business needs as the core , take the road of brand institutions to sustainable development , Built to Last .

  9. 新的崛起者正在不断的改变着日本电信运营市场竞争的游戏规则。

    Emerging rise-ups are constantly changing the rules of play in operations and competitions in the Japanese telecom market .

  10. 提出制度既是规定市场成员竞争行为的规则,又是影响市场竞争效率的重要因素。

    Institutions not only are the competition rule of market participants , but also influence the efficiency of market competition .

  11. 最后,简要论述了航运市场上表现较为突出不正当竞争行为,以期为我国起草中的航运法中航运市场竞争规则相关内容的确定提供理论参考。

    At last , the thesis expounds several unfair competition behaviors in shipping industry , for the purpose of providing theoretical foundation for the drafting " shipping law " with regards to the rules of competition in shipping industry .