
  • 网络Market Research Company;arbitron
  1. 排名来自市场研究公司SNLFinancial,每季度编制一次。

    The ranking comes from SNL Financial which compiles the data each quarter .

  2. 市场研究公司steelmarketintelligence表示,中国钢铁业“正以非常危险的速度生产高成本钢铁”,给自己招惹麻烦。

    Steel market intelligence , a market research company , said the Chinese steel industry had brought its troubles upon itself by " producing high-cost steel at a breakneck pace " .

  3. 根据市场研究公司Interpret的数据,每个手机游戏用户产生的平均收入,仅为游戏机用户的十分之一。

    Average revenue per user in mobile games is only one-tenth of the Arpu for console games , according to Interpret .

  4. NS集团是大市场研究公司及亚太地区特定研究的领导者。

    TNS is marketing information group in the world and the leading provider of custom research in Asia Pacific .

  5. 市场研究公司Gartner曾预测,到2004年,全球B2B电子商务交易会达到7.3万亿美元。

    Gartner , the market research firm , predicted $ 7.3 trillion by 2004 .

  6. 2013年,英国汽车市场研究公司HAGI(HistoricAutomobileGroupInternational)的顶级拍卖指数和交易商顶级珍藏汽车销售额增长了46.75%;

    In 2013 , the HAGI ( Historic Auto Group International ) Top Index of auction and dealer sales of exceptional collectable cars gained 46.75 percent ;

  7. 据市场研究公司益佰利(ExperianMarketingServices)称,前10大尊享国际相亲网站3月的访问量达到了1220万次。

    According to market research firm Experian marketing services , the top 10 premium international dating sites drew 12.2 million visits in March .

  8. 市场研究公司中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearchGroup)的董事总经理雷小山(ShaunRein)说,这些年来,回报一直非常好,投资者已经不在乎了。

    ' The returns were so good for so many years'that investors'just didn 't care , 'said Shaun Rein , managing director of Shanghai-based China Market Research Group , a research firm .

  9. 小型市场研究公司WorldwidePanelLLC准备招聘4名销售和IT技术人员,结果收到了大量简历。

    Worldwide Panel LLC , a small market-research firm , is getting flooded with resumes for four vacancies in sales and information technology .

  10. 市场研究公司idc预测,今年中国大陆的pc发货量将增长4%。

    IDC , the market research company , predicts that PC shipments in China will grow by 4 per cent this year .

  11. 市场研究公司ForresterResearch预计,这个假日购物季,在商场客流量和实体零售店销售萎靡不振的同时,网上销售将增长15%。

    Market research firm Forrester Research expects online sales to increase by 15 % this holiday season amid slow mall traffic and weak sales at brick-and-mortar retailers .

  12. WindowsBlue的重要性本周进一步上升。两个市场研究公司发布报告说,今年前三个月,个人电脑的出货量出现了两位数的降幅。

    The stakes for Windows Blue rose this week when two market research firms reported that shipments of PCs fell by double-digits percentages in the first three months of this year .

  13. 信息技术行业市场研究公司弗雷斯特研究公司(ForresterResearch)预测,个人数据管理这一新兴市场规模达几十亿美元,在接下来的18到24个月里更可获得大幅增长。

    Forrester Research ( forr ) projects that the nascent business of personal data management is worth billions and could grow substantially over the next 18 to 24 months .

  14. 据市场研究公司StrategyAnalytics统计,在截至今年6月底的12个月里,安卓在智能手机市场上占有60%的份额,苹果仅为20%。

    Android had a 60 % share of the smartphone market in the 12 months through June , compared with Apple 's 20 % share , according to Strategy Analytics .

  15. 市场研究公司AltimeterGroup的创始人兼分析师查尔林•李指出,社交网络还有助于打破企业内部不同部门之前的藩篱。

    Social networks can also help to break barriers between different departments at firms , says Charlene Li , founder and analyst at the altimeter group , a market research firm .

  16. 根据市场研究公司EuromonitorInternational的最新数据,按市场份额计,沃尔玛是中国排名第三的大型超市运营商。

    The retailer is China 's No. 3 hypermarket / megamarket retailer by market share , according to the most recent data from market-research firm Euromonitor International .

  17. 根据市场研究公司StrategyAnalytics公布的数据显示,第三季度华为手机出货量达到了3360万台,占据市场份额的9%,是世界第三大智能手机制造商。

    Huawei was the world 's third-largest smartphone maker in the third quarter with 33.6 million shipped devices , giving it a 9 percent market share , according to research firm Strategy Analytics .

  18. 据市场研究公司FactSetResearchSystems估算,2.5亿美元的投资额约占吉利汽车超过16亿美元市值的15%。

    An investment of $ 250 million represents around 15 % of the listed arm 's market capitalization of over $ 1.6 billion , according to FactSet Research Systems Inc. , a research firm .

  19. 根据市场研究公司Tabb集团(TabbGroup)的说法,巴克莱和瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)是美国最大的暗池运营商。

    Barclays and Credit Suisse are the biggest operators of dark pools in the US , according to Tabb Group , a market-research firm .

  20. 曹金妮是市场研究公司—福雷斯特研究公司的资深研究员,她认为,苹果iPad销量下滑将会持续到下个季度。

    Gene Cao , a senior analyst at market research firm Forrester Research Inc , said the poor performance of iPads will continue in the upcoming quarters .

  21. 市场研究公司idc预计,今年智能电话将售出2.7亿台:较2009年增长55%。

    IDC , a market-research firm , expects that 270m smart-phones will be sold this year : 55 % more than in 2009 .

  22. 据市场研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)的数据,今年秋季美国笔记本电脑销量有史以来首次超过台式电脑销量。

    Sales of laptop computers passed desktops in the U.S. for the first time ever this fall , according to market-research firm IDC .

  23. 市场研究公司IDC数据显示,去年第四季度,小米在印度智能手机市场占有4%的份额。

    Xiaomi controlled 4 per cent of India 's smartphone market in the fourth quarter last year , according to market researcher IDC .

  24. 据美国市场研究公司IHSiSuppli预计,到2015年,Ultrabooks将会占据全球笔记本电脑出货量的43%。

    IHS iSuppli sees Ultrabooks hitting 43 % of world-wide notebook PC shipments by 2015 .

  25. 市场研究公司IHSiSuppli最近表示,该公司预计到2015年,全球22.9%的新出厂笔记本将安装ARM的处理器。

    Research firm IHS iSuppli recently said it projects that by 2015 , 22.9 % of notebook shipments worldwide will be ARM-based systems .

  26. 据市场研究公司IDC数据显示,个人电脑(PC)的需求正在下降,在2015年第四季度,全球PC出货量下跌了10.6%。

    Falling global demand for personal computers ( PC ) saw shipments fall by a record 10.6 % in the fourth quarter from a year ago , according to market research firm IDC .

  27. 市场研究公司StrategyAnalytics的分析师莫斯顿(NeilMawston)指出,从某种意义上说,这是件好事,因为iPhone如此受欢迎的原因之一是它很好用。

    In one sense , that is good since a reason the iPhone is so popular is that ' it just works , ' notes analyst Neil Mawston of research firm Strategy Analytics .

  28. 据市场研究公司Euromonitor数据显示,到2020年,中国的运动服装市场将超过奢侈品市场。

    China 's sportswear market will surpass the luxury goods market by 2020 , according to Euromonitor .

  29. 据市场研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)的数据,2012年中国将占全球智能手机发货量的26.5%,美国则占17.8%。

    According to market-research firm IDC , China will account for 26.5 % of global smartphone shipments in 2012 , compared with 17.8 % for the U.S.

  30. 市场研究公司IDC的数据显示,2013年二季度,三星智能手机出货量占全球的近三分之一;

    In the second quarter of 2013 , Samsung accounted for more than 32 per cent of global smartphone sales , according to research company IDC .