
  • 网络Market Neutral Strategies
  1. 市场中性策略简介

    A Brief Introduction to Market Neutral Strategies

  2. 这使得多空(long-short)、事件驱动(event-driven)及其它形式的市场中性策略成为可能,从而为投资者提供更多的交易工具和灵活性。

    This will give investors more trading tools and flexibility by allowing long-short , event-driven and other forms of market-neutral strategies .

  3. 然而,这不会消除做空特有的难题:不管是市场中性策略还是多/空策略,包括130/30。

    This would not , however , remove characteristic difficulties of shorting whether market-neutral or long / short , including 130 / 30 .

  4. 如果真正采取市场中性策略,那么股票型绝对回报基金就应当是信贷紧缩中的安全投资产品,但多数基金都未能做到这一点。

    Equity-based absolute returns , if genuinely market neutral , should have offered a safe haven from the credit squeeze , but most failed to do so .

  5. 市场中性策略是一种新近出现的、通过中性化市场风险,利用证券之间相对价格的变化来谋求绝对收益的一种投资策略。

    Market neutral strategy is a new investment strategy , which is aimed at making profits by neutralizing the market risk and utilizing the changes of relative prices among securities .

  6. 本文中讨论和研究的统计套利方法就是一种具有市场中性的投资策略,无论是在熊市还是牛市都能获得稳定回报。

    The statistical arbitrage discussed in this paper is a market neutral investment strategy , and it can get a stable return whether in a bear market or bull market .

  7. 统计套利是一种可以脱离市场趋势判断在较低的投资风险下获得稳定收益,获取超额绝对回报的市场中性策略,该策略只适用于有做空机制的市场。

    Statistical arbitrage is one kind of market neuter strategy without regard of market trend . This strategy can gain more stable earnings under lower investment risk which is only suit for market with short mechanism and long mechanism .