
  • 网络urban renewal authority;Ura;URBAN REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
  1. 谘询期间,公众表示支持由房屋协会及房屋委员会替市区重建局代理安置工作。

    During the consultation , the public supported the idea that the housing authority and the housing society should act as rehousing agents for the ura .

  2. 二零零一年五月一日,土地发展公司由市区重建局取代。

    The LDC was replaced by the Urban Renewal Authority on May 1 , 2001 .

  3. 根据《市区重建局条例》,政府未来作出有关检讨时,会继续广泛谘询公众。

    The public will continue to be fully consulted in any future review as required under the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance .

  4. 继续与香港房屋协会及市区重建局紧密合作,协助旧楼业主妥善管理及维修楼宇。

    Continuing to closely work with the Hong Kong Housing Society and the urban renewal authority to assist owners of older buildings to properly manage and maintain their buildings .

  5. 市区重建局表示,那天的上午7时至9时,大草场及浮尔顿路周围路段将全面禁止车辆通行。

    From 7am to 9am , roads around the Padang together with Fullerton Road will be fully closed to vehicles , said the Urban Redevelopment Authority ( URA ) .

  6. 为此,我们会尽早成立一个具有法定权力的市区重建局,以提高规划和收地工作的效率和成效。

    To help in this regard , we will seek to establish as soon as possible an Urban Renewal Authority with statutory powers to make plans and acquire land more effectively and efficiently .

  7. 行政长官在一九九八年的《施政报告》中承诺,政府会尽早成立市区重建局,以代替土地发展公司。

    As set out in the Chief Executive 's 1998 Policy Address , the government will seek to establish as soon as possible an Urban Renewal Authority ( URA ) to replace the LDC .

  8. 行政长官在一九九九年发表的《施政报告》中,宣布成立市区重建局取代土地发展公司,以加快市区重建步伐。

    The Chief Executive announced in his1999 Policy Address the setting up of the Urban Renewal Authority ( URA ) to replace the Land Development Corporation ( LDC ) and to expedite urban renewal .

  9. 就市区重建策略草案及市区重建局的角色,委员会大致同意建议的以人为本方针。

    On the urban renewal strategy and the role of the urban renewal authority , the land and Building Advisory Committee LBAC members generally agreed with the people-centred approach proposed .

  10. 《市区重建策略》是政府的政策,由市区重建局(市建局)、相关政府部门及其他持分者负责执行。

    The URS is a government strategy to be implemented by the Urban Renewal Authority ( URA ) as well as relevant government departments and other stakeholders .

  11. 市区重建策略的初步建议已接近完成,我们现正就建议中的市区重建局制定职权范围、权限和运作指引。

    We are now finalising our initial proposals for an Urban Renewal Strategy and drawing up the suggested terms of reference , powers and operational guidelines for the new Authority .