
  • 网络Barcelona fans;Cules
  1. 大量的记者围绕在切尔西周围,但当他们出现的时候,那些巴萨球迷立刻隐藏起来。

    A mass of cameramen were surrounding the Chelsea entourage as they boarded , but once they were on , the Barcelona fans took over .

  2. 迈克尔•欧文:“阿尔维斯的行为无法让人高兴,如果他可以站起来重新比赛,那只应该被罚一张黄牌。当然,巴萨的球迷肯定会为他的所作所为而感到高兴。”

    Michael Owen : " Alves'actions won 't please many as if he had got straight up it would have been a yellow card , but Bar ç a fans will be happy with his actions . "

  3. 彭斯出生在离皇家马德里仅有一步之遥的地方,但却是巴萨的球迷。他也撰写过关于这两个俱乐部的书。他的报道描绘了这两家俱乐部与西班牙政治错综复杂的关系,尤其是在内战时期和佛朗哥独裁时期。

    Mr Burns , born a stone 's throw from Real 's stadium but a Barca fan and an author of books about both clubs , traces their complicated interconnections with Spanish politics - notably , the civil war and the dictatorship of General Franco .