
  • 网络bath;Bass;Busse;Buss;Bas
  1. 她被选为巴斯选区的议员候选人。

    She was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath .

  2. 她离家出走后到巴斯与奶奶同住。

    She had walked out and gone to live in Bath with her granny .

  3. 巴斯队一定会赢,因为他们是英格兰表现最稳定的球队。

    You have to fancy Bath because they are the most consistent team in England

  4. 欧罗巴大楼是巴斯大道沿路那些成百上千幢毫无特色的建筑之一。

    Europa House is one of those hundreds of nondescript buildings along the Bath Road .

  5. 这辆马车只要两天就能从伦敦赶到巴斯。

    The carriage can post from London to bath in only two days .

  6. 蓓塔森·科克希尔是一名来自英格兰巴斯的健康教练,同时也是《为健康和幸福编织》一书的作者,她创建了一个名为Stitchlinks的网站,探索被她称之为编织治疗的价值。

    Betsan Corkhill , a wellness coach in Bath , England , and author of the book Knit for Health & Wellness , established a website , Stitchlinks , to explore the value of what she calls therapeutic knitting .

  7. 参观这座拥有2000多年历史的城市以及巴斯修道院、皇家新月楼和服饰博物馆。

    Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey , the Royal Crescent and the Costume Museum .

  8. 参观巴斯时别错过这两个景点。

    When visiting Bath , you can 't miss these two sites .

  9. 巴斯位于伦敦以西97英里,是英国萨默塞特最大的城市。

    Bath , 97 miles west of London , is the largest city in Somerset , England .

  10. 如果你是十月份来这里,那么你甚至还可以参加巴斯电影节。

    If you come in October , you can even take part in the bath film Festival .

  11. 如果你对英国作家简·奥斯汀感兴趣,那么你可以去简·奥斯汀中心了解一下她和她父亲在巴斯的生活。

    If you are interested in the English writer Jane Austen , you can go to Jane Austen Center to know more about her life with her father in Bath .

  12. 今年的巴斯电影节期间将出现一个新的电影分级类别——女权主义级别电影(或称F级电影),意在凸显电影行业中女性工作者缺乏的现状。

    A new feminist1 film classification , f-rated film , is to be used at this year 's Bath Film Festival to highlight the lack of women working in the movie industry .

  13. 巴斯光年会成为《星球大战7》(StarWars7)的主角吗?

    Buzz Lightyear as the hero of Star Wars 7 ?

  14. 巴斯相信,对MBA投资很有吸引力。

    Mr Bass believes that MBAs are a particularly attractive investment .

  15. 但正如巴斯大学(BathUniversity)的迈克尔•戴(MichaelDay)在一篇有用的论文中所言:没有哪一家机构能够真的希望搜集整个网络。

    But as Michael Day of Bath University noted in a useful paper : No single organisation can realistically hope to collect the entire web .

  16. 巴斯有一种倾向,以良好的糊状和PS的音乐声,使300多个流派稍闷。

    Bass has a tendency to sound mushy and the PS300 makes several genres of music sound slightly muffled .

  17. 对巴斯管理学院来说,这么做更为合理,因为在就读其MBA课程的学员中,有一半为女性,其比例高得不同寻常。

    This makes even more sense at Bath , because half of the participants on its MBA programme are women , an unusually high proportion .

  18. 如果史蒂夫·乔布斯不辍学的话,就不会有Mac电脑、iPod,甚至巴斯光年(巴斯光年战警是皮克斯最早红遍全球的角色之一,出现于《玩具总动员》系列电影&译者注)了。

    The Mac , the iPod , heck , even Buzz Lightyear probably wouldn 't have existed had Steve Jobs stayed in school .

  19. 巴斯光年却说,也许等Tony长大了的时候,他就想干这两样工作了,因为到那时候可能太空中就会有迪斯尼乐园了。

    Buzz : By the time you grow up , you might be able to do both . They might have Disneyland in space one day .

  20. 巴斯说联盟很清楚,莫雷的观点已经严重地冒犯了中国的很多民众,NBA对此遗憾。

    Bass said that the league understands that Morey 's views had " deeply offended many " in China and that the NBA was regretful .

  21. 本文就是针对不同数码相机产品的市场渗透过程,利用巴斯扩散模型以及SPSS等软件进行新产品扩散分析,同时给出相应得营销策略建议以及相应产品的销售预测。

    This thesis focuses on digital camera products penetration process , take use of the BASS model and SPSS to bring out the marketing strategy and sales forecast .

  22. 广告中将把《玩具3》中的角色,如巴斯光年(buzzlightyear)和伍迪(woody)等,与著名奥斯卡获奖影片中的人物联系起来。

    The campaign will link Toy Story 3 characters such as Buzz Lightyear and woody to characters from well-known Oscar-winning movies .

  23. 常见的非圆齿轮有椭圆齿轮、Pascal(巴斯噶)蜗线齿轮等,其精密加工一直是研究的热点。

    The frequent noncircular gears are elliptical gears , pascal gears and so on , which precision manufacturing is always the research hotspot .

  24. 我与所有孩子和老师都相处不错,只是我认为巴斯韦尔小姐(MissBuswell)好找碴儿。

    I got on all right with the children and teachers , except that I found Miss Buswell crabby .

  25. 餐厅的天花板上悬挂着形似巴斯光年(BuzzLightyear)和弹簧狗(SlinkyDog)的中国风筝,中国表意文字标明不同的面食种类。

    There , Chinese kites shaped like Buzz Lightyear and Slinky Dog hung from the ceiling ; Chinese ideograms identified the different kinds of pastry .

  26. 麦肯锡公司(McKinsey&Company)的乔安娜o巴斯表示,女性缺乏接触非正式网络的机会,是她们职业发展的结构性障碍。与缺少导师或适当的指导与培训一样,它会影响职业发展。

    Joanna Barsh of McKinsey & Company says that women 's lack of access to informal networks is a structural obstacle to their career advancement , comparable in impact to lacking a mentor , or appropriate coaching and training .

  27. 在本文中,以巴斯小镇A1楼项目的案例为研究对象,对项目成本管理进行了分析与检验,实现理论与实际的完美结合。

    This thesis uses jerry buss town A1 # building project case as the research object , analyzes and test the project cost management to achieve the perfect combination of theory and practice .

  28. 他想起了《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)中的一幕,巴斯光年(BuzzLightyear)从窗户跌落,而其他玩具认为是结实、可爱的伍迪(Woody)出于嫉妒,故意将巴斯推出窗外。

    He recalled the scene in Toy Story when Buzz Lightyear falls from a window and the other toys think that Woody - solid , likeable Woody - got jealous and deliberately pushed Buzz out .

  29. 克里姆林宫发言人德米特里•巴斯科夫(DmitryPeskov)昨日对记者表示,俄罗斯对国际体育仲裁庭的裁决表示遗憾。

    Dmitry Peskov , a Kremlin spokesman , told journalists yesterday that Russia regretted the court 's decision .

  30. “相对于服装市场过去四年较为疲软的行情,奢侈品市场的需求行情似乎一路看涨,它就成了ipo的晴雨表,”瑞信分析师巴斯说。

    " The demand environment looks to be improving , relative to three or four years of fairly weak apparel trends . That stimulated activity has led to a window of IPO activity , " says Mr buss at Credit Suisse .