
  • 网络Basel III
  1. 巴塞尔协议iii是全球监管框架内的关键要素。

    Basel III is a key element in the global regulatory framework .

  2. 即便中国引入《巴塞尔协议iii》,这些问题大多也得不到解决。

    Most of these concerns would not be addressed even if China were to introduce Basel III.

  3. 我们希望银行保持这一资本水平,逐步全面实施《巴塞尔协议iii》。

    We want the banks maintaining this capital level and gradually moving to the Basel III full implementation .

  4. 印度银行业者表示,由于印度国内银行业本来就资本充裕,《巴塞尔协议iii》不会产生多大影响。

    Indian bankers said that Basel III would have little impact on the domestic banking sector as it was already well capitalised .

  5. 这一改革方案名为《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii),其中包括对全球银行核心一级资本比率新的最低要求。

    The reform package , known as Basel III , includes a new minimum core tier one ratio for banks worldwide .

  6. 在此之前,适用于全球的《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)去年对所有银行提出了最低7%的资本金要求。

    The surcharge comes on top of the worldwide Basel III minimum of 7 per cent set last year for all banks .

  7. 新的《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)资本充足率规定,意在解决核心资本类别中的“猫腻”问题。

    The New Basel III capital adequacy rules are supposed to take care of the problem of dodgy categories of core capital .

  8. 但并非所有预言都很惨淡:立法者现正采取全面的解决途径,应对过度依赖外部评级的问题巴塞尔协议iii是佐证。

    But not all the augeries are bleak : regulators are now taking a comprehensive approach to over-reliance on external ratings witness Basel III rules .

  9. 《巴塞尔协议iii》迫使银行持有更多高质量的资本来应对潜在的亏损,同时持有足够多的容易出售的资产,以抵御市场危机。

    That accord forces banks to hold more top-quality capital against potential losses and keep enough easy-to-sell assets on hand to withstand a market crisis .

  10. 应继续在国际上协调推进金融监管,《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)应在世界范围内全面贯彻实施。

    Progress on financial regulation should continue to be co-ordinated internationally , and the Basel III agreement should be fully implemented around the world .

  11. 汇丰的核心一级资本充足率达到10%以上,远远超过《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)的规定,因此该行可以在其竞争对手收缩之际继续放贷。

    Basel III core tier one capital is comfortable at more than 10 per cent , so HSBC can keep lending while rivals cut back .

  12. 去年秋季银行业监管机构发布的《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii),是向要求银行增加股本迈出的重要一步。

    The Basel III accord , unveiled last autumn by banking regulators , was a big step forward in requiring banks to hold more equity .

  13. 《巴塞尔协议iii》要求银行股本可以低至其未经风险加权的总资产的3%,这一比例很低,是非常危险的。

    Basel III allows the equity of banks to be as low as 3 per cent of their total , non-risk-weighted assets , which is dangerously low .

  14. 《巴塞尔协议iii》资本比率的定义比现行规定更加严格,对可计入“核心一级资本”的工具进行了限制。

    Basel III capital ratios rely on a tougher definition than current rules dictate , limiting the instruments that count as " core tier one capital " .

  15. 由于新规则的要求不像人们担心的那样繁冗,《巴塞尔协议iii》在亚洲地区的反响普遍较好。

    The Basel III agreement was broadly well received across Asia , as it emerged that the new rules were not as onerous as some had feared .

  16. 此外,由于很多银行需要更多资金来达到即将实施的巴塞尔协议iii(baseliii)全球标准,投资者对该行业的热情已降温。

    And with many banks also in need of more capital to meet the incoming global Basel III standards , investors have cooled on the sector .

  17. 一个绝佳的例子是《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)资本充足率各国央行官员上周末会晤时拟定了该比率,各国政府希望在11月份最终敲定。

    Case in point : the Basel III capital-adequacy ratios , which central bankers met this weekend to fix and governments hope to finalise in November .

  18. 即将实施的巴塞尔协议iii(baseliii)规定也将让银行资金承受不同、可能更高的成本,这也会影响银行对贷款的定价。

    The incoming Basel III rules will also subject bank capital to different , likely higher costs , that will also effect the pricing of their loans .

  19. 例如,《巴塞尔协议iii》仍然保留了《巴塞尔协议ii》中存在问题的“风险加权”概念,意思是如果银行的资产非常安全,它们可以减少股本。

    For instance , Basel III retains the problematic " risk weighting " concept of Basel II , in which banks can hold less equity if their assets are very safe .

  20. 即使没有日渐迫近的巴塞尔协议iii(baseliii)体系提高资本监管要求的前景,欧洲银行体系也需要更多资本。

    The European banking system would need more capital even if there were no uplift in the regulatory capital requirements in prospect from the impending Basel III regime .

  21. 与其他全球银行一样,瑞银和瑞信都急于在《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)全球银行规则实施前,减少资本密集型活动。

    Like their global peers , UBS and Credit Suisse are under regulatory pressure to reduce capital-intensive activities ahead of the introduction of Basel III global banking rules .

  22. 分析师表示,目前中资银行基本上都能达到新近通过的《巴塞尔协议iii》中更加严格的资本要求,而且从中国的实际情况看,这些规则收紧基本上是无关的。

    Analysts say Chinese banks already mostly meet the more stringent rules of the recently agreed Basel III capital requirements and that these are largely irrelevant in the China context .

  23. 此外,从资本的角度看,新的《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)中的银行业监管规则意味着,对其他金融机构的持股变成了一项成本大大增加的投资。

    On top of this , the New Basel III banking rules make equity stakes in other institutions a much more costly investment from a capital point of view .

  24. 对于全能银行而言,一旦《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)资本金标准实施,它们扩大财富管理业务的动机就将更为强烈:财富管理公司消耗的智力资本要多于金融资本。

    For universal banks , the incentive to expand wealth management businesses will be greater under looming Basel III capital standards : wealth managers consume more intellectual than financial capital .

  25. 美国看上去愿意通过新的金融监管法,但就巴塞尔协议iii(baseliii)有关银行资本规定达成的共识已减弱,而这点更为重要。

    The US looks ready to pass its new financial regulation law but agreement on the Basel III rules on bank capital , which are more important , has receded .

  26. 它可以退守的业务是德国零售及企业银行业务,其风险状况允许它落在同行后面,按照巴塞尔协议iii核心一级资本比率7.2%运行。

    Its own fallback is German retail and corporate banking , whose risk profile lets it run a peer-trailing fully loaded Basel III core tier one capital ratio of 7.2 per cent .

  27. 根据《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)的新全球资本框架,所有银行都应将质量最优的“核心一级”资本保持在其风险加权资产的7%。

    Under the New Basel III global capital framework , all banks will be required to hold top-quality " core tier one " capital equal to 7 per cent of their risk-adjusted assets .

  28. 有关资本金标准的国际协议《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii),将银行必须持有的广义资本储备水平提高了两倍多,限制了杠杆率,并为银行脱离特定业务提供了有力刺激。

    The Basel III international agreement on capital standards more than triples the broad capital reserves that banks must maintain , limits leverage and provides strong incentives to move out of certain businesses .

  29. 在此之前,各银行纷纷抱怨称,《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)中有关流动性的新规定也是首批此类新规可能迫使它们大幅削减对个人和企业的放贷数量。

    The move follows complaints from banks that the New Basel III standards on liquidity the first international rules of their kind would force them to sharply curtail lending to consumers and businesses .

  30. 分析师相信,如果能以合理的价格找到买家,在2018年巴塞尔协议iii(baseliii)全面实施前,全球银行可能将发行近1万亿美元的各种或有可转换债券。

    Analysts believe banks globally would like to issue something close to $ 1000bn of various sorts of Cocos before the Basel III regulations come into full force in 2018 , if buyers can be found at a reasonable price .