
bā dān
  • cartap;Padan
巴丹[bā dān]
  1. 巯基化合物对杀虫单、沙蚕毒和巴丹急性中毒的解毒作用

    Antidotal Effect of sulfhydryl compounds against acute poisoning of scd , nereistoxin and Padan

  2. 巴丹及其异构体在碱性介质中易被分解成沙蚕毒。

    In the alkaline medium , Padan and its isomer could be decomposed into nereid poison easily .

  3. 图巴特和他的妻子托桑特萨甘是内蒙古额济纳旗(EjinBanner)的村民,那里有中国四大沙漠之一—巴丹吉林沙漠(BadainJaranDesert)。

    Tubbat and his wife , Tosontsagaan , are villagers in Inner Mongolia 's Ejin Banner , where there is the Badain Jaran Desert , one of China ' s four biggest deserts .

  4. 基于RS和GIS的沙漠湖泊动态变化研究&以巴丹吉林沙漠为例

    Study on dynamic change of desert lakes in Badan Jaran Desert based on RS and GIS

  5. 而98%的巴丹对美洲斑潜蝇种群控制效果较差,IPC值为0.246;

    The Cartap ( 98 % ), whose IIPC value was 0.246 , was effective to controlling the leafminer population ;

  6. 利用巴丹吉林沙漠的试验数据,将新建立的模型应用于计算该试验场地的蒸发通量,并对比新模型计算结果与PdV理论计算结果之间的差异。

    With the Badain Jaran Desert experiment , both the new developed model and the PdV model were used to calculate surface evaporation .

  7. 离出发前往巴丹只剩四星期时。

    I was four weeks away from being shipped to bataan .

  8. 巴丹吉林-腾格里盆地侏罗纪-早白垩世沉积特征

    Sedimental characteristics of the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous in Badain jaran-tengger Basin

  9. 拉帕姆少校在巴丹半岛战役后留下来。

    Major Lapham is a stay-behind from the Bataan campaign .

  10. 巴丹吉林盆地遥感研究试验区油气地球化学勘查

    Hydrocarbon geochemical exploration from remote sensing test area of Badan Jaran Basin

  11. 巴丹吉林沙漠北部风沙地貌形态类型的分区研究

    Division of Aeolian Landform Configuration in Northern Badain Jaran Desert

  12. 他们交配了!我们期待着美丽的小巴丹鸟出世。

    They mated ! We are looking forward to beautiful baby cockatoos .

  13. 1942年的今天,第二次世界大战,开始围攻巴丹。

    1942-the World War Two siege of Bataan began .

  14. 巴丹的非氰化钠路线合成研究

    Study on Cartap by Route of Non-sodium Cyanide

  15. 巴丹吉林沙漠包气带Cl~-示踪与气候记录研究

    Chloride as a Tracer and Climatic Change Record from Unsaturated Zone of Badain Jaran Desert

  16. 是巴坦,还是巴丹&对《二十世纪大博览》中一处译文的质疑

    Either Batan or Bataan & Question About Some Translations in Chronicle of the 20th Century

  17. 巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊及其下游地下水同位素分析

    Isotope Method to Study the replenishment the Lakes and downstream Groundwater in Badain Jaran Desert

  18. 巴丹吉林沙漠及其毗邻地区的景观类型及其形成机制初探

    Landscape Types and its Formation Mechanism in the Badain Jaran Desert and its Surrounding Areas

  19. 这就是巴丹半岛的死亡行军。

    This was the Bataan death march .

  20. 各种热带生态随处可见,使得西巴丹岛附近的海域潜水得以举世闻名。

    The wide variety of tropical life found around Sipadan makes it famous worldwide for diving .

  21. 相似优先比法研究巴丹吉林沙漠及周边地区地下水补给

    Application of similarity priority ratio on resources of groundwater in Badain Jaran Desert and its surrounding areas

  22. 巴丹吉林沙漠是中国第二大沙漠,世界第三大沙漠。

    Badain Jaran desert is the second biggest desert in China , and the third in theworld .

  23. 在日本侵略菲律宾时,曼梯·里在马尼拉湾参加保卫巴丹半岛的战斗。

    When the Japanese invaded the Philippines , ML helped defend the Bataan Peninsula in Manila Bay .

  24. 巴丹吉林沙漠总面积4.7万平方公里,世界第四大沙漠。

    The desert Covers a total area of47,000 square kilometers , the forth largest in the world .

  25. 第二条路径(巴丹吉林沙漠附近)与高空急流有密切关系。

    The second path ( near Badain Jaran shamo ) had close relationship with the upper-level jet stream .

  26. 巴丹吉林沙漠沙丘芦苇特有的一小分子溶质及其对逆境胁迫的适应意义

    A Novel Low-Mr Solute Specified in Dune Reed and Its Roles in the Plant Adaptation to the Stress Habitat

  27. 巴丹吉林沙漠戈壁地区不同地表覆盖类型下表土的平均起动摩阻风速

    The Mean Threshold Wind Friction Velocities of Surface Soils with Various Land Cover Types in Badain Juran Desert , China

  28. 前往马来西亚西巴丹岛附近的清澈海域潜水,以探索水底的乐园。

    Go scuba diving in the clear waters around Sipadan , an island in Malaysia , and discover an underwater paradise .

  29. 白天我们把门打开,不过如果我们忘记了也没关系,巴丹鸟和长灵动物一样有智慧。

    We leave the door open during the day but if we forget , it doesn 't matter-cockatoos have intelligence that rival primates .

  30. 利用气候地貌学原理,分析研究了巴丹吉林沙漠及其毗邻地区的景观类型。

    On the basis of climatic geomorphology , the author investigates the types of landscape in the Badain Jaran Desert and its surrounding areas .