
chā cuò
  • error;mistake;accident;slip;glitch;mishap;cock-up;unforeseen happening
差错 [chā cuò]
  • (1) [error;mistake;slip]∶错误;过失

  • 在合计账单时出了差错

  • (2) [accident;unforeseen happening;mishap]∶意外事故

  • 指挥音乐会没出任何差错

差错[chā cuò]
  1. 那一个差错使他多年来付出了沉重的代价。

    That one mistake has cost him dear over the years .

  2. 我小心地提醒说她可能出了差错。

    I ventured to suggest that she might have made a mistake .

  3. 事情出了差错,她老有借口。

    She is not short of excuses when things go wrong .

  4. 她很担心可能要出什么差错。

    She was deeply apprehensive that something might go wrong .

  5. 我想你在计算总数时出了差错。

    I think you have made an error in calculating the total .

  6. 这项工作决不允许出差错。

    There is no room for error in this job .

  7. 看来有一个差错。

    It appears that there has been a mistake .

  8. 我计算中什么地方出了差错?

    Where did I go wrong in my calculations ?

  9. 那一个差错几乎使他丧命。

    That one mistake almost cost him his life .

  10. 看来有一个差错。

    There appears to have been a mistake .

  11. 我们已经清楚出了差错。

    It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made .

  12. 由于越来越疲劳,她的工作开始出现差错。

    As she became more tired , errors began to creep into her work .

  13. 当她意识到有差错时,头脑中便敲响了警钟。

    Warning bells started ringing in her head as she sensed that something was wrong .

  14. 门口狭窄,弄得我倒车时几乎不能出任何差错。

    The narrow gateway left me little margin for error as I reversed the car .

  15. 但这一事件也突出表明出差错是多么容易。

    But the incident underlines how easily things can go wrong .

  16. 我们必须好好准备,不能出任何差错。

    We must be well prepared , there must be no slips .

  17. 问这个问题实际上等于默认确实出了差错。

    The question was a tacit admission that a mistake had indeed been made

  18. 每家银行都非常关注雇员的工作速度和无差错率。

    Every bank pays close attention to the speed and accuracy of its staff .

  19. 免责声明书明确声明公司将不对任何差错负责。

    The disclaimer asserts that the company won 't be held responsible for any inaccuracies .

  20. 哎呀,出了个小差错。

    Whoops , that was a mistake

  21. 他们了解一切是如何运作的,或者为何出差错,无论是哪种情况,他们都很清楚。

    They know how everything works — or doesn 't work , as the case may be .

  22. 现在时间一长,这个机构就露出了真面目,效率低下,差错百出。

    Here , the organization has had time to show its true colours , to show its inefficiency and its bungling .

  23. 出现任何差错的话,我唯你是问。

    I shall hold you solely responsible for anything that goes wrong .

  24. 万一这孩子出了差错怎么办?

    What if anything should happen to the child ?

  25. 这笔账目里有差错。

    There 's an accounting error in this entry .

  26. 若有差错,请斧正。

    Please correct any errors that you find .

  27. 这可是细活,不能有一星半点差错。

    This is a high precision job . There mustn 't be the slightest slip .

  28. 不会出差错。

    No mistakes could arise .

  29. 在恶劣天气的条件下着陆对于任何飞行员都是一项危险的工作,甚至极小的差错都可能酿成一场灾难。

    Landing in bad weather is a tricky task for any pilot , even the smallest error can lead to disaster .

  30. 急性子的人,做事容易出差错。

    One who has an impatient disposition is likely to make mistakes .