
  • 网络differentiation strategy;product differentiation
  1. Bertrand竞争下融资策略与产品差异化策略的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis on Financing Strategy and Product Differentiation Strategy in the Frame of Bertrand Competition

  2. 存在多方购买下网络外部性产品差异化策略博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Differentiation Competition of Network Externalities Product with Multihoming

  3. 本文接着以5P理论为基础,对社区市场营销策略进行介绍,并对套餐设计和差异化策略进行重点阐述。

    Then this paper described community marketing strategy , while elaborating packages designing and difference marketing are very important .

  4. 差异化策略是一个系统和一个动态的过程。

    Different sale strategy is a system and a dynamic process .

  5. 顾客关系价值方面的差异化策略。

    2 , Differentiated strategy via the value of customer relationship .

  6. 存在网络外部性下的产品出口税收政策与差异化策略分析

    Analysis on the Product Differentiation and Export Tax Policy with Network Externality

  7. 发现新的利润增长点方面的差异化策略。

    4 , Differentiated strategy via profit increases point .

  8. 融资策略与产品差异化策略是企业两大重要的决策。

    The financing strategy and product differentiation strategy both are important basic decisions .

  9. 我国葡萄酒产品差异化策略研究

    Study on Differentiation Tactics of Wine Product in China

  10. 开放竞争格局下中资商业银行的差异化策略

    The Diversified Competition Strategy of the Chinese-funded Commercial Bank in the Opening Competition Pattern

  11. 进入壁垒与企业产品差异化策略

    Entry Barriers and Firms ' Product Differentiation Strategy

  12. 中国水资源管理差异化策略选择

    Differential strategy for water resources management in China

  13. 具有网络外部性的产品纵向差异化策略

    Vertical Differentiation Strategy of Products with Network Externality

  14. 双寡头垄断市场的价格竞争与产品差异化策略&一个博弈论模型及其扩展

    Price competition and strategy of product differential location : Game theory and its extension

  15. 具有网络外部性特征产品的配额限制与差异化策略

    Quotas Restrictions and Vertically Differentiation with Network Externalities

  16. 产品差异化策略与企业自主创新

    Product Differentiation Strategy and Enterprises Independent Innovation

  17. 营销渠道方面的差异化策略。

    , Differentiated strategy via sales channel .

  18. 在定价上实行差异化策略,将竞争类产品价格降低,获取更大的市场份额。

    Introduction of differentiation in pricing strategies , competitive product prices , get more market share .

  19. 它们是由竞争和差异化策略、上市时间及各种其他因素驱动的。

    They are driven by competitive and differentiating strategies , time to market , and various other factors .

  20. 最后,提出了两商业集团如何选择差异化策略获得竞争优势的分析思路。

    Finally , now to choose different strategies to achieve a competitive advantage was proposed for two commercial groups .

  21. 具体地,高产权比率即高负债水平会使企业采取较积极的成本领先策略,而采取较保守的差异化策略。

    High debt level will cause enterprises to adopt more aggressive cost leadership strategy behavior , but more conservative differentiation strategy behavior .

  22. 对于网络经济当中的厂商而言,产品差异化策略是赢得市场竞争的一项重要策略。

    For the firm in the network economy , product differentiation strategy is one of the important strategies to win the market competition .

  23. 信息产品的生产者可以通过版本差异化策略形成顾客对产品价值认知的差异化,从而实现信息产品的多重价格。

    The producer can bring multi-price into effect through the tactics of edition difference , which can diversify the consumers ' recognition of product values .

  24. 答案是英国石油通过收购扩张、国家和产品的差异化策略、再投资以及技术更新获得增长。

    The answer is that BP grew through acquisitions and diversified into different countries and products , reinvesting its cash flow and honing its technical skills .

  25. 对现有产品分类分析提出了差异化策略,新产品研发重视信息收集和分层把关的过程。

    The current product classification analyzed to put forward differentiation strategy , the new products develop to value the information collections with the process of stage-gate systems .

  26. 尤其是物流企业的核心竞争力的定位,其关键是必须采用差异化策略,确保为客户提供“量体定制”的个性化物流服务。

    The core competition orientation in particular , the key of it is to adapt differentia strategy so as to ensure the specific logistics services to the customers .

  27. 本文在论证教学科研型高校发展战略中,提出了教学科研型高校的差异化策略、形象策略和低成本策略。

    In prove teaching scientific research type among the university development strategy , propose teaching scientific research characteristic difference tactics , image tactics and low cost tactics of university this text .

  28. 运用营销理论,确定轻松理财卡组合营销策略,包括差异化策略、创新策略、促销策略和品牌策略。

    The marketing strategy of leisure banking card combination which including differentiated strategy , innovation strategy , marketing strategy , and brand strategy , is determined via the use of marketing theory .

  29. 如果效用预期分布过于离散,则需要进行市场细分、定位目标用户群,并通过质量差异化策略满足不同区段的用户需求。

    And if the utility expectation distribution is too discrete , the duopolies need to perform market segmentation and users poisoning to meets the needs of different segment users with quality differentiation .

  30. 农业银行的改革要适应区域经济发展的需要,因地制宜,发展有特区模式的分支机构,坚持以客户为中心,实行差异化策略。

    Agricultural bank reform should fit for need of local economy development , establish local branch at local conditions , insist on taking consumer as center and carry on different service strategy .