- 网络EPC;general contracting for constructional engineering project

Project management is the core of general contracting for constructional engineering project and such a management model is suited to socialist market economy .
Consider that engineering general contract is a significative experiment , and the development of top blowing oxygen technology in VD is necessary .
The best solution of structural regulation is vertical integration of labor division and cooperation for overall project contracting and subcontracting . It is necessary to divide and reconstruct the middle part-the engineering consulting unit , constitute the top EPC engineering company , develop low-end professional consulting company or institution .
Brief analysis of three major controls in project general contracting management
An Elementary Study of General Contracting for Construction Engineering Project
Exploring and Practicing of General Contract Project Management of Small Hydropower Project
A simple introduction is given to the basic qualification of construction manager and how to improve specialty ability of construction manager , from the angle of construction management .
Currently , there are some problems in general contract management of construction project , such as irrational organizing structure , misunderstanding of management style , irregular owners behavior , and etc.
General contracting of power plant project is a part of the general contracting of construction project . It is a mode of power plant construction supervision , and it is also called all process contracting of power plant project .
According to the analysis and the statistics in the total contract ' contract on the content of price provision in the domestic and foreign engineering project , the proportion of the equipment and scattered timbers occupies one half and above ;
Besides the characteristics of national and global distinct in general international project , the risks of international hydroelectric project general contracting also has its unique characteristics of large project , complex construction environment , overall effect , high integration and with many disciplines involved .
With 20 years of total project construction contract market development , owners mature management practices , internationalization of the challenges of globalization , foreign companies to enter , the market competition of EPC total contract become more and more fierce .
Research on Problems in Construction General Contract of Large Engineering Project and Practice
In this paper , several factors affecting construction cost in total contract construction phase of project are described from four aspects such as contract stage , construction stage , settling accounts stage and miscellaneous , and effective control measures are proposed based on construction examples .
The EPC model is a new mode of general contracting projects in the international project contracting market , it is also a Contracts mode which being strong promote in the country by The Construction Department .
With the rapid hydroelectric development and in order to advance the construction management level of hydropower project , which needs to advance the general contract project .
On General Contracting in China by Learning from International Project Management
SNEC ( SINOPEC Ningbo Engineering Co. , Ltd ) is a newly established large engineering company with EPC contracting qualification , which is leading with engineering design and proprietary technologies and EPC is core activities .
The control method to cement engineering investment during design stage includes : pushing ahead with design bidding competition ; promoting general contracting in engineering lead by design ;
Moreover , a proposal suitable for this corporate growth demands , based on competency model of general contracting development pattern . Finally , the article also proposes the construction general contracting model of a package of measures and recommendations of the optimal contract model in Vietnam .