
  • Engineering subcontracting;【法】transfer contract of project
  1. 工程转包合同被确认无效后工程价款的确定

    Determination of Project Price after Engineering Subcontract is Confirmed Invalid

  2. 纳税人:事实上,我公司把工程转包给其他分包商了。

    Taxpayer : In fact , my company transfer the project to some subcontractors .

  3. 承造学校新建筑的人又将工程转包给铅管工人,汽管装配工人等等。

    The contractor for the new school building gave out subcontracts to a plumber , a steam fitter , etc.

  4. 此外,不规范的市场竞争、低价中标、工程转包等也是导致以次充好行为的因素。最后,文章探讨了在当前市场环境下,建筑产业链中的企业如何加强和防范以次充好现象发生的策略和措施。

    In addition , the non-standard market competition , low-price bidding , project subcontracting , etc. are also influential factors of counterfeiting . Finally , the effective strategies and measures of anti-counterfeiting in current market environment are discussed .

  5. 承包人不得将其承包的全部建设工程转包给第三人或者将其承包的全部建设工程肢解以后以分包的名义分别转包给第三人。

    The contractor may not assign in whole to any third person the contracted construction project , or divide the whole contracted construction project into several parts and separately assign each part to a third person under the guise of sub-contracting .

  6. 按照目前法规,家庭装修工程禁止转包,但施工劳务转委托是允许的。

    Under current regulations , the prohibition of family renovation contracts , but to entrust the construction labor is permitted .

  7. 建筑业的总承包人将工程分包或者转包给他人的,以工程的全部承包额减去付给分包人或者转包人的价款后的余额为营业额。

    For the main contractors in the construction business who sub-contract work to others , the turnover shall be the balance of the total contract sum less the payments made to the sub-contractors .

  8. 承包商应保证每个分包商将自己执行其分包的工程,分包商无权将上述工程转包给其他第三方。

    The Contractor shall guarantee that each Subcontractor will execute works subcontracted to him by itself and will have no right to transfer execution of such works to other third parties .

  9. 工程分包与工程总包、承揽分包、联合承包有密切联系,但与工程转包有本质不同。

    There is some close relation between subcontracting construction partly and general contracting , contract subcontracting , joint contract , but is different from subcontracting construction wholly in nature .