
  • 网络Engineering quotation;Project Quote;RFQ
  1. 基于该模型和方法开发的工业货架设计分析系统软件具有进行货架规划设计、有限元分析和工程报价的功能,可以自动生成规划设计报告、有限元分析报告、CAD设计图纸和工程报价清单。

    We developed an industrial rack design and analysis system based on these models and design methods . This software has some basic functions , such as rack planning and design , finite analysis and project pricing .

  2. 工程报价隶属度方法及模糊决策模型的研究

    Membership Degree Method for Offer & Study on Fuzzy Decision Model

  3. 工程报价综合评价模型

    A comprehensive critical model for quoting the price of construction

  4. 国际承包工程报价区域研究

    To study on the offer area in the bid for international construction

  5. 博弈论与复合标底工程报价

    Game theory and compound base price of project quoted price

  6. 该方法对其它工程报价问题也具借鉴意义。

    The method is also applied to other engineering price catalogue problem .

  7. 水利工程报价计算的原则与技巧

    On the Principle and Skill of Bid Calculation in Bidding of Hydraulic Project

  8. 公路工程报价编制策略

    The Tactics of Organization in Highway Engineering Bidding

  9. 如何编制合理的公路工程报价

    Preparing proper quoted price for road engineering bidding

  10. 建筑金属结构行业计算机辅助工程报价决策方法研究

    The Study of Computer Aided Engineering Biding Decision Method in Architecture Metal Structure Corporation

  11. 国际工程报价

    Study on International Project Quotation

  12. 投标工程报价的准确性

    Correctness of Tender Project Quotation

  13. 讨论了目前国际工程报价领域内存在的问题以及前人研究快速报价的一些方法,在此基础上提出了改进意见。

    This paper first discussed some problems in the current quotation field of international construction projects , and then studied some existing fast-quotation methods .

  14. 工程报价方法如何与国际惯例接轨浅谈我国建筑工程计价模式与国际惯例融合的方法

    HOW TO KEEP IN LINE WITH INTERNATIONAL PRACTICE FOR PROJECT TENDERING IN CHINA Method for Connecting Pricing Model of China 's Building Construction with International Convention

  15. 就有关国际工程报价的形式和内容作了简要说明,并就投标策略及要点进行了分析。

    This paper briefly talks about the methods and contents of international project quotation , and analyzes the strategy and key points of submitting tender for new projects .

  16. 本文通过分析和探讨,对工程报价提出了几点技巧,旨在为使承包企业根据实际情况,制定出灵活的报价技巧,提高施工企业中标率

    This article analyses and inquires the quotation of engineering , and presents several techniques to help contractors to draw up flexible technique of quotation under own reality , and win more chance for tenders

  17. 使用Excel编制水利工程投标报价

    Compiling hydraulic engineering project bidding documents with the MS. Excel program

  18. 浅析EPC总承包工程投标报价要素

    A brief analysis of the factors in the bid and quotation for project based on EPC turnkey contract

  19. 有效弥补了一般BP神经网络在建设工程投标报价决策中的不足。

    It has been proved by an application as an effective complement for the deficiency of BP neural network on the bidding decision of construction project . 2 .

  20. 由于基于T-S模型的模糊神经网络具有较强的学习和推理能力,本文将其应用于建筑工程投标报价的研究中。

    Due to the better self-learning and reasoning abilities of fuzzy neural networks based on T-S model ( FNN-TS ), it is used in the research of construction bidding .

  21. 最后,文章研究了利用蒙特卡洛模拟方法进行工程投标报价风险费率预测的步骤,并引入CrystalBall软件,针对输变电工程建立投标报价风险评估模型,对工程投标报价风险进行模拟,为工程决策提供依据。

    At last , this paper studied the forecasting steps of risk cost in project bidding quotation using monte carlo simulation . Then , the software Crystal Ball is introduced into this paper to build an evaluation model of transformation projects and simulate for project decision-making .

  22. 浅议建筑工程投标报价中的不平衡报价法

    Discussion on unbalanced quoted price method in architectural engineering tender offer

  23. 个别成本分析法在公路工程投标报价中的应用

    Application of Individual Cost Analysis in Bid Quotation of Highway Project

  24. 建筑工程投标报价估测模型研究

    Study on the Bid Model of Cost Estimate of Construction Engineering

  25. 建设工程投标报价的博弈模型研究

    Game theory model quotation of price in biding for construction projects

  26. 公路工程投标报价编制及报价方式

    Biding quotation 's compilation and quotation mode of highway engineering

  27. 建筑工程投标报价策略和作价技巧工程投标报价策略浅析

    Quoting Tactics and Evaluating Techniques in the Construction Engineering Bidding

  28. 土木工程投标报价风险补偿费用的研究

    Study of the Risk Compensation for the Civil Engineering Offer

  29. 风险决策方法在工程投标报价中的应用

    The Application of Decision - Making to Bid Under Risks

  30. 遂渝铁路工程投标报价策略研究

    Study and Tactic of Bid Quotation about Sui-Yu Railway Project