
ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué yuàn
  • engineering college
  1. 他努力学习,希望能被一所工程学院录取。

    He was studying in the hope of being admitted to an engineering college

  2. 为配合液压课程的教学改革,我校和南京工程学院合作研制了一种利用PLC控制并具有多种功能于一身的新型液压教学实验台。

    For teaching reform of hydraulics course , our college co-operated with Nanjing Industrial Engineering College to develop a new type of hydraulics teaching experimental plateform which is multifunctional with aid of PLC controlling .

  3. 今年二月,以色列人造肉公司AlephFarms和以色列理工学院生物医学工程学院用真牛肉细胞联合打印和培育出了一块肉眼牛排。

    In February this year , Aleph Farms and the Faculty5 of Biomedical Engineering at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - jointly6 bioprinted and cultivated a ribeye steak using real cow cells .

  4. 本文介绍《海军工程学院学报》和《海军院校教育》电子版Web发布系统的开发过程。

    This paper introduces the development course of the Journal of the Navy Academy of Engineering and the Education of the Navy Colleges .

  5. 奥林工程学院(OlinCollegeofEngineering)在招生流程中加入了现场选拔。

    The admissions process at Olin College of Engineering includes a live audition .

  6. 德克萨斯农工大学DwightLook工程学院

    Texas A & M University , Dwight Look College of Engineering

  7. 在卡内基梅隆大学,融合创新研究所让泰珀商学院、工程学院(CollegeofEngineering)和设计学院(SchoolofDesign)联合起来。

    At Carnegie Mellon University , the Integrated Innovation Institute brings together the Tepper School of Business , its College of Engineering and its School of Design .

  8. 深圳大学信息工程学院EDA技术中心

    The EDA Technology Center of Shenzhen University

  9. 基于ISO9000的湖南工程学院教学质量保障体系的研究

    Research the Teaching Quality Indemnity System Based on the ISO9000 Standards of Hunan Institute of Engineering

  10. 南加利福尼亚大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)72%的外国留学生是研究生(其中大多数学生就读于工程学院),招生人数连续十二年在排行榜上名列首位。

    USC , where 72 % of its foreign population is graduate students ( most in the engineering school ) , has led this list for 12 straight years .

  11. 约翰•芬威克在斯坦福就读MBA课程期间有一次曾经匆匆忙忙地来到斯坦福工程学院,请一位教授向他推荐那里最棒的学生。

    As a Stanford MBA student , John Fenwick popped into the university 's engineering school and asked a professor to bring him the sharpest person there .

  12. 纽约市为哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)新成立的数据科学和工程学院(InstituteforDataSciencesandEngineering)提供了1500万美元的资助;该学院将会从今年秋季开始提供证书课程,并最终招聘75名教授。

    The city is contributing $ 15 million in assistance to Columbia 's new Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering , which will begin offering a certificate program in the fall and ultimately hire 75 more professors .

  13. 全自动IC芯片焊线机,是广东工业大学机电工程学院已研发出来的一套微电子封装设备。

    Automatic IC chip welding wire machine , however , is a set of microelectronics packaging equipments which has benn developed by the College of mechanical and electrical engineering Guangdong University of Technology .

  14. 普林斯顿的很多学生都选了,工程学院的课程,而工程学院正是由Keller中心赞助的。

    So a lot of students in Princeton take courses in engineering school under the aegis of the Keller Center .

  15. 但是来自印度的另外一名工程学院学生BikramjeetSinghGrewal则表示,他没有太多时间享受加州的阳光。

    But another engineering student from India , Bikramjeet Singh Grewal , says he does not have time for much fun in the sun .

  16. 文章分析了EDA技术及其课程的主要特点,介绍了广东工业大学信息工程学院进行EDA教学实践的情况。

    This paper analyses the main features of the course of EDA , and introduces EDA teaching practice at Faculty of Information Engineering in Guangdong University of Technology .

  17. 杰森•唐纳休(JasonDonahue)、本•罗宾(BenRubin)和埃瑞克•沙舒瓦(EricShashoua)就读于布朗大学商学院和工程学院,他们经常熬夜学习,于是开始寻找改善睡眠的方法。

    Jason Donahue , Ben Rubin and Eric Shashoua were working late nights in Brown 's business and engineering schools -- and began thinking about ways to sleep better .

  18. 该项目要溯源于2007年的密歇根大学安娜堡分校工程学院,一次当ThomasZurbuchen为25名学生讲课时首次提出这个想法。

    The project began back at the college of engineering in Ann Arbor , Michigan , in two thousand seven . That was when twenty-five students in a class taught by Thomas Zurbuchen first talked about the idea .

  19. 本文介绍了一个基于校园宽带网的成都信息工程学院的视频点播系统(VOD)的设计和实现,该系统实现了基于局域网的视频点播、管理员对用户信息和视频文件的管理等功能。

    This paper introduced a VOD system based on campus LAN of CUIT . This system can realize VOD based on local network , and the management of use information and video file by administrator .

  20. 然后结合河南工程学院校园网IPv6建设现状,设计出了一个基于IPv6组播的高清视频直播系统,进而进行了实际的部署并对系统中各组成部分进行深入分析和研究。

    Further in light of Henan Institute of Engineering IPv6 status of the campus network construction , designs a multicast IPv6-based high-definition video broadcast system , and then the actual deployment of the various components and systems to conduct in-depth research and analysis .

  21. 通过对南京工程学院湿法烟气脱硫系统喷淋塔的数值模拟,分析了液体分布环(LDR)对塔内烟气流场的影响。

    The influence of liquid distributed ring ( LDR ) on flow field in spray scrubber of Nanjing Institute of Technology project has been analyzed by means of numerical simulation .

  22. 浙江林业大学机械工程学院大四的学生FANGPeiku为一家出售清洁建筑物的机器人的公司做好了详细的销售计划。

    FANG Peiku , a senior in mechanics at Zhejiang Forestry University , has made a detailed plan for a company that sells a robot that cleans buildings .

  23. 通过分析沈阳工程学院办公楼外墙保温不足的原因,经研究采用XPS保温系统加强外墙保温功能的措施,解决了外墙保温不足及避免冷桥现象的产生。

    By analyzing the causes of heat preservation shortage of office building 's exterior wall of Shenyang Institute of Engineering , adopts the XPS heat preservation system , solves the problem of heat preservation shortage of exterior wall , avoids the cold bridges .

  24. 特拉维夫大学机械工程学院的HerzlChai教授和他的同事们在标准和技术国立研究院和乔。华盛顿大学给出了这个答案。

    Herzl Chai of Tel Aviv University 's School of Mechanical Engineering and his colleagues at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and George Washington University gives the answer .

  25. 从综合布线系统的组成入手,结合杭州师范学院信息工程学院计算机网络与工程实验室的建设,给出了PDS实验室的建设实例,以供参考探讨。

    The paper , starting with the composition of premises distribution system ( PDS ), accorded with the construction of the computer network and engineering laboratory of Information Engineering College of Hangzhou Normal College , provided a construction example of a PDS laboratory for reference .

  26. 本文以大连理工大学机械工程学院开发的350t履带起重机实际项目为背景,对其传感器故障诊断技术进行研究。

    In this paper , a method which is based on the subject-350t crawler crane that is developed by school of mechanical engineering of DUT is developed to detect and diagnose the sensor faults .

  27. 采用天津科技大学生物工程学院保藏的酿酒酵母AY-5将葡萄糖发酵成乙醇。

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae AY-5 , which was safe-deposited by Bioengineering College of Tianjin University of Science and Technology , was used to ferment glucose to ethanol .

  28. 本文以2000年建立的湖南工程学院为例,采用调查研究、理论研究、比较研究、实证研究、模型研究等研究方法,研究如何借鉴企业质量管理模式(TQM),来提高教学质量。

    The paper takes the case of Hunan Institute of Engineering established in 2000 and adopts many research methods including investigation , theory research , comparison , demonstration and model research , to study how to use Total Quality Management for reference in order to improve the teaching quality .

  29. 三月十八日,在位于伦敦的皇家工程学院举行了长达半小时的授奖仪式。评委会将本届奖项颁发给了MarcAndreessen、TimBerners-Lee爵士、VintCerf、RobertKahn和LouisPouzin,他们都对现代因特网的发展有卓越的贡献。

    At a half-hour ceremony held on March 18th at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London , the prize committee honoured Marc Andreessen , Sir Tim Berners-Lee , Vint Cerf , Robert Kahn and Louis Pouzin , all of whom were instrumental in the development of the modern internet .

  30. 山东建筑工程学院设计研究院

    Design and Research Institute of Shandong Institute of Architecture and Engineering