
  • 网络engineering work;engineering operations
  1. 二是建筑业、包括建筑、安装、修缮、装饰及其他工程作业;

    Construction industry , including construction , installation repair , decoration and other engineering work ;

  2. 根据仿真的结果提出了最佳的粒子浓度与速度的配合表,以指导工程作业。

    According to the simulation results obtained the optimum particle concentration to guide the engineering work .

  3. TY(2F)工程作业车的轴箱弹簧设计计算

    Design Calculation of Shaft Case Spring for TY_2F Engineering Working Vehicle

  4. 这样,可以使HSE管理避免外界和人为因素的干扰,成为钻井工程作业必不可少的环节。

    With the practice , the interference of outside and artificial factors on HSE management can be prevented , and HSE management becomes the necessary link of drilling jobs .

  5. 你能把工程作业的详细说明马上送来吗?

    Can you send the job specification to me at once ?

  6. 你们是如何估测工程作业规模的呢?

    How do you assess the volume of work on the project ?

  7. 江西省全民绿化工程作业的研究

    Research on the Project of the Whole People 's Afforestation of Jiangxi Province

  8. 具有特殊风险的工程作业应视为高风险作业。

    The work opera-tions of particular risk shall be identified as high risk operations .

  9. 海洋工程作业船舶;船长叫海员把缆绳盘在地上。

    The shipmaster asked the sailors to coil the ropes down on the ground .

  10. 地铁工程作业机车的非正常横向振动分析

    An Analysis on the Abnormal Locomotive Vibration

  11. 海洋工程作业船舶;

    Marine architect offshore engineering operation vessels ;

  12. 因特网工程作业推动

    IETF : Internet Engineering Task Force

  13. 加强爆破工程作业审批手续和安全管理的必要性及措施

    Necessity and Measures for Enforcing Management of the Permitting Pocess for Blasting Operations and Blasting Safety

  14. 工程作业船舶的浮态调整

    Afloat condition adjustment of workboat

  15. 图像广泛应用于工程作业和科学研究中,因此对图像进行识别很有必要。

    Images are applied frequently in the engineering and scientific research , which need to be identified .

  16. 铺排船属于沿海区域在海底铺设软体排(沙被)的非自航工程作业船。

    The arrangement ship is the non-self navigating work-ship to arrange soft-body rows at sea bed in coastal areas .

  17. 外国企业在中国境内从事建筑、安装、装配、勘探等工程作业和提供咨询、管理、培训等劳务活动所得。

    The income derived from construction , installation , assembly or exploration project or consultation , management and training services .

  18. 随着海洋资源开发的迅速发展,越来越多的海洋工程作业项目需要由大型起重船来协助完成。

    With the rapid development of marine resources development , more and more marine projects need large-scale marine crane assistance .

  19. 本税目的征收范围包括:建筑、安装、修缮、装饰、其他工程作业。

    The levying scope of this tax item includes construction , installation , repair , decoration and other engineering operations .

  20. 在隧道施工过程中,由于工程作业,使得地下水流失过程中往往携带大量施工废水,进入地表水体。

    During tunnel construction , a large amount of waste water caused by construction enters into surface water with running-off ground water .

  21. 在海洋石油平台拆除作业中,水下废弃采油井口的切割是其中最重要也是最昂贵的一项工程作业。

    The cutting of subsea abandoned wellhead is the most important and expensive job during the removal operation of offshore oil platform .

  22. 完井时我们要向作业者提供一份详细的泥浆工程作业完成报告。

    13.3 At the end of the well we must provide operator with a detailed review of the mud engineering operations performed .

  23. 我们教育者在为软件工程作业评分上所遇到的一些难题来自我和其他一些人之前所讨论过的一些事情。

    Some of the difficulty we educators have with grading software engineering assignments stems from something I and many others have talked about before .

  24. 该机型不但适合旱地的各种作业及运输固定作业,还可用于水田作业、工程作业等领域。

    It is not only suitable for various field work , transportation and fixed tasks , but also for muddy fieldwork and engineering tasks .

  25. 当我在为软件工程作业的评分时,我觉得自己更像是一个人文学科的教授在为散文评分,而不是一个自然科学和工程的教授在为测试评分。

    When I grade software engineering assignments , I feel more like a humanities professor grading essays than I do a science and engineering professor grading tests .

  26. 海洋工程作业船舶;水上船舶施工的油污水,按本条例第十九条、第二十条规定处理。

    The oil-polluted water from the project on ship above water shall be treated in accordance with the stipulations of Articles 19 and 20 of these Regulations .

  27. 采用该技术可以改善现有井身结构以及增大完井井眼直径,利于后续的钻井及采油工程作业。

    By applying this technology casing program can be improved hole size can be enlarged , and it is also favorable for the following drilling and production operations .

  28. 针对海下工程作业工具&闸刀式管锯进给系统的速度要求,设计了阀控液压马达速度伺服系统。

    According to the feed-velocity demand of the underwater guillotine saw that is a kind of offshore engineering tool , a system which servo valve control hydraulic motor is developed .

  29. 另外,最后也提出了三星在运用并行工程作业中的一些如对员工进行绩效评价方面的缺陷,这是三星需要改善的地方。

    In addition , Samsung also made the final in the use of concurrent engineering work , the words of the staff performance evaluation of defects , which Samsung should improve .

  30. 而大振幅内潮或由其演变出的强孤立内波会干扰海洋工程作业,对建成的石油钻井平台和海底油气管道构成严重的威胁;

    On the other hand , internal tide with large amplitude and generating solitary waves will disturb the work of oceanic engineering and be dangerous to marine oil platform and submarine oil pipe .