
ɡōnɡ shí lì yònɡ lǜ
  • man-hour utilization rate
  1. TBM掘进工时利用率动态优化系统研究

    Research on dynamic optimized system of increasing constantly the TBM boring operation rate

  2. 方法:选择本省不同海拔(察尔汗、都兰、花石峡)养路工人,分别进行工时利用率、肺通气量、能量代谢率和心率测定,按照国家标准(GB-3869-83)的要求进行分级;

    Methods : The level of work utilization , lung ventilation , energy metabolism and heart rate were examined according to the GB-3869-83 at various high altitude ( Chaerhan , Dulan , Huashixia ) in all subjects .

  3. 如何提高隧道掘进机的作业工时利用率

    How to Increase Work Time Utilization for Tunnel Boring Machinery

  4. 有利于专业化劳动组织,提高操作的熟练程度和工时利用率。

    It contributes to specialized labour organization and can raise the operation proficiency and the availability of man-hour .

  5. 文章从施工角度分析了影响隧道掘进机作业工时利用率的因素,重点对硬岩、软岩条件下优化掘进参数、换刀工序和维修管理等方面提出了相应对策。

    Some factors influencing work time utilization of TBM are analyzed in the aspect of construction . Some countermeasures are suggested for the boring parameter optimization under hard and soft rock conditions , for cutter changing process and for maintenance management as well .

  6. 将岗位体系划分为分散式与集成式两部分,并利用工时利用率法、模糊聚类分析法等建立了岗位群,运用排队论原理确立了集成式岗位的最佳编制人数。

    We divide job system into two parts of the integrated and use work efficiency 、 fuzzy clustering analysis method to build the establishment of the post group . We make use of the principle of queuing theory to achieve the best preparation of the integrated number of positions .