- 网络unionism;trade unionism;trade-unionism;craft unionism

As the historian Eric Hobsbawm put it , their frame-breaking activity was " collective bargaining by riot " and " simply a technique of trade unionism " in the days before formal unions existed .
We see it in the growing altruism of Trade Unionism .
The right to withdraw labour is a basic principle of trade unionism .
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
Mr Sarkozy invited trade unionists to lunch and " victims and heroes " to his Bastille Day garden party .
Most forecasts predict that this trend will continue , perhaps until unionism is confined to museums and history books .
The federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist .
In the new context , " new unionism " indicates , to a certain degree , the development trend of teacher organizations .
Although the movement of teachers'professionalization has changed from trade-unionism to professionism , the teacher professional development hasn 't evidently raised the teachers'professional status .
It was not always so . Prior to 1933 , unionism faced strong and sometimes violent opposition from employers , except in wartime .
The Swiss note that their secrecy laws date back to 1934 , when they were enacted partly to protect German Jews and trade unionists from the Nazis .
In the1920s , the personnel administration movement , scientific management and rising real wages combined to offer American workers what was advertised as an efficient alternative to unionism .
There are forces on both sides of the Pacific – Chinese nationalists , American trade unionists , the military establishments of both countries – that would be happy with a more adversarial relationship .
The new FDI policy is unlikely to herald a dramatic opening up of sensitive sectors such as retailing and financial services , where the government faces entrenched opposition from business houses , unions and Marxist allies .
The labor unions and the communist youth leagues shall , according to their respective working scope , strive for the protection of the rights and interests of women .
The Unionism of American Academic Profession & AAUP Unionism and Its Characteristics
A Discussion of the Humanist Approach to Labor Union Work
It is reflected in four basic aspects : improving the survival conditions of employees , emphasizing the central role of employees , tapping the moral potential of employees and paying attention to the all-round development of employees .