
  1. 历史上规模宏大的崇圣寺只剩下三塔在苍山洱海间孤独地站立。

    Only did the Three Pagodas stand erect between the Cang Mountain and the Erhai Lake .

  2. 但他们没有料到的是,如宫殿般庞大的崇圣寺也会有荡然无存的一天。

    But without their expectation , this temple which was as magnificent as a grand palace has been died , too .

  3. 作为一座皇家寺院,崇圣寺亲眼见证了帝王家的各种传奇经历。

    To be a royal temple , the Chongsheng Temple has been witnessed all kinds of legends and experiences of each king 's.

  4. 和他的父亲一样,在处理完朝政的空隙,他也经常来崇圣寺拜佛。

    Like his father , when he finished handling over the kingdom affairs , he always came to the Chongsheng Temple and prostrated himself before the Buddha statues .