
  • 网络slaughter of innocents;Slaughter of the Innocents
  1. 它还能屠杀无辜的人民。

    Which includes slaughtering innocent people .

  2. 对于那些企图通过恐怖主义或屠杀无辜平民达成目标的人,

    and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents ,

  3. 不论口号有多么动听,屠杀无辜者时他们的目的一样邪恶。

    Whatever slogans they chant , when they slaughter the innocent they have the same wicked purposes .

  4. 太后屠杀无辜婴孩你甚至连否认一下的表面功夫都不做不是你下的命令对吗?

    The Queen slaughters babies . You don 't even have the decency to deny it . It wasn 't you who gave the order , was it ?

  5. 今天摆在国会面前的问题是如何应对在一个世纪以来其中一个国家在叙利亚使用最可怕的化学武器屠杀无辜百姓及儿童。

    The question before the house today is how to respond to one of the most of horrid uses of chemical weapons in a century , slaughtering innocent men , women and children in Syria .

  6. 当我原谅那些残伤、毁灭我祖先的人们,在城市或乡村由于战争而屠杀无辜人类的需求就将停止,从而带来世界和平的回归。

    As I forgive those who maimed or destroyed my ancestors , the requirement of innocent humans to be killed in the cities or countryside due to war shall cease leading to a restoration of world peace .

  7. 那屠杀无辜的豌豆荚,黄瓜,和其他蔬菜和水果又如何呢?尽管这些植物不怎么懂得抚摸和拥抱,可实际上它们也是生机勃勃的啊!对于这些实实在在地活着却没有显得太可爱的事物来说,这是公平的游戏吗?

    What about the slaughtering of innocent pea pods , cucumbers , and other vegetables and fruits that - although they 're not much for petting or cuddling with - are in fact very much alive.Does something being alive but not cute make it fair game ?

  8. 我们不会在价值观念上退缩,也不会动摇捍卫它的决心,对于那些妄图以煽动恐怖和屠杀无辜的手段达到其目的的人,我们现在就告诉你们,我们的意志更加顽强、坚不可摧;

    We will not apologize for our way of life , nor will we waver in its defense , and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents , we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken ;

  9. 我们与穆斯林世界之间有了一个新的开端——即认识到我们的共同利益在于打破冲突的恶性循环并构筑一个未来,让捍卫和平繁荣与人类尊严者将屠杀无辜者置于孤立境地。

    And we have forged a new beginning between America and the Muslim world -- one that recognizes our mutual interest in breaking a cycle of conflict , and that promises a future in which those who kill innocents are isolated by those who stand up for peace and prosperity and human dignity .

  10. 他们屠杀了无辜的男女老少,并不区分信仰、种族或社会地位。

    They took the lives of innocent men , women , and children without regard to their faith or race or station .

  11. 只因为盲目的憎恨就屠杀数百万无辜的人,这若非超出人类理解能力之外,也至少达到了人类理解能力的极限。

    The killing of millions of innocents for no reason other than blind hatred hovers at the outer edges of - if not beyond - human comprehension .

  12. 然后,在第五集,她在暴怒中肆意屠杀了成千上万无辜的人,成为了她之前致力于推翻的那种暴君。

    Then , in the fifth episode , she wantonly slaughtered thousands of innocents in a fit of rage , becoming the very sort of tyrant she was previously dedicated to overthrowing .

  13. 中世纪神话里还有乔治屠杀巨龙,拯救无辜少女的传说。

    The legend of George slaying a dragon and rescuing an innocent maiden is medieval .