
  • 网络Cyrus;Cyrus the Great;Cyrus II
  1. 达尼尔就这样一直到居鲁士王元年。

    And Daniel continued even to the first year of king Cyrus .

  2. 居鲁士大帝于西元前538年允许犹太人返回故土,耶路撒冷圣殿得以修复。

    Cyrus the Great allowed them to return in538 BC , and the Temple of Jerusalem was rebuilt .

  3. 然而,在我们这个MOD的开始,居鲁士仅仅只是一个部族的领袖,独自一人对抗着超级大国。

    However , at the beginning of our mod he is just a tribal leader , alone against the super powers .

  4. 如此,这但以理当大流士王在位的时候,和波斯王居鲁士在位的时候,大享亨通。

    So this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius , and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian .

  5. 玛代王国和波斯帝国,都被居鲁士征服了。

    There was the kingdom of the Medes and the kingdom of the Persians who came together under Cyrus .

  6. 在此马奇亚维利给出,那些英勇建国,或曾领导人民的名单,包括摩西,居鲁士,罗慕洛斯和提修斯等人。

    And here , Machiavelli gives a list of those heroic founders of peoples and states Moses , Cyrus , Romulus , Theseus , and so on .

  7. 波斯王居鲁士派库官米提利达将这器皿拿出来,按数交给犹大的首领设巴萨。

    Even those did Cyrus king of Persia bring forth by the hand of Mithredath the treasurer , and numbered them unto Sheshbazzar , the prince of Judah .

  8. 在某种意义上,它媲美几千年前另一个宣言,当时居鲁士大帝允许一批残存的犹太人从巴比伦回故土重建圣殿。

    It was in a sense comparable with another declaration made thousands of years before , when Cyrus allowed a remnant of the Jews to return from Babylon and to rebuild the temple .

  9. 居鲁士王也将耶和华殿的器皿拿出来,这器皿是尼布甲尼撒从耶路撒冷掠来,放在自己神之庙中的。

    Also Cyrus the king brought forth the vessels of the house of the LORD , which Nebuchadnezzar had brought forth out of Jerusalem , and had put them in the house of his gods ;

  10. 由于斯巴达派军支持波斯王子小居鲁士夺取王位,使它们在伯罗奔尼撒战争中建立起的友好关系再度恶化。

    Since Sparta dispatched her army to help Cyrus the younger contending for the royal crown of Persia with Artaxerxes II , the friendship established during the Ionian War between Sparta and Persia began to deteriorate .

  11. 论居鲁士说,他是我的牧人,必成就我所喜悦的,必下令建造耶路撒冷,发令立稳圣殿的根基。

    That saith of Cyrus , He is my shepherd , and shall perform all my pleasure : even saying to Jerusalem , Thou shalt be built ; and to the temple , Thy foundation shall be laid .

  12. 我凭公义兴起居鲁士,(居鲁士原文作他)又要修直他一切道路。他必建造我的城,释放我被掳的民,不是为工价,也不是为赏赐。

    I have raised him up in righteousness , and I will direct all his ways : he shall build my city , and he shall let go my captives , not for price nor reward , saith the LORD of hosts .