
  • 网络local anomaly;Local Exception
  1. 高精度航磁局部异常与盖层断层的关系及其特征

    The relationship of high-precision aeromagnetic local anomalies with faults in covering strata and their characteristics

  2. 位场局部异常人机交互解释系统的软件设计

    The software project of interpretation system by man-machine interaction for local anomalies in potential field

  3. 300例BCG接种后淋巴结及接种局部异常反应和处理

    Managements of 300 babies with lymphadenitis after the vaccination with BCG

  4. 正电子发射断层扫描(PET)在判断颈部淋巴结的性质及鉴别放疗后局部异常改变优于CT和MRI。

    Positron-emission tomography ( PET ) is superior to CT and MRI in deciding the nature of lymph nodes and identifying the local changes after radiotherapy .

  5. 由此得到的Za磁异常平面图,北部为正异常区,异常很不规则,有三个局部异常;

    The resultant Z_a magnetic anomaly map consists of two major magnetic anomaly zones : positive anomaly Zone in the north part and the negative anomaly zone in the south part .

  6. 目的通过海马的MRI影像学分析,研究阿尔茨海默病(AD)患者海马形状的局部异常模式,并构建最优的分类器函数辅助诊断AD。

    Objective Based on the MRI hippocampal shape analysis , to study the regional pattern differences between Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) and normal aging , and build effective classifiers to assist the diagnosis of AD.

  7. 用趋势曲线代替平均值计算HcI剩余曲线的方法,在去掉区域性影响,突出局部异常方面收到了较好的效果。

    The method which calculates HCI residual curve by tendency curve instead of mean can bring quite good result in eliminating the regional effect and enhancing local abnormal .

  8. 在山区获得的MT野外资料不可避免地受到各种干扰及地形与局部异常体的影响,常规方法很难满足山区MT资料处理与解释的要求。

    Field MT data obtained in mountain region are inevitably effected by different interferences , topography and local anomalous body , conventional techniques hardly meet the requirements for MT data processing and interpretation in mountain region .

  9. 依据该原则,采用K-Mean聚类算法实现了局部异常检测,利用实际数据验证了算法性能,并对聚类中类别数的选择问题进行了研究。

    According to the principle , the K-Mean cluster algorithm is adopted . The performance is validated by the actual data , and the selection of class number is studied .

  10. 用Nettleton等人的方法,将区域场与局部异常振幅进行了滤波分离。

    Using Nettleton 's method , the author made filtering separation for amplitude spectra of regional anomalies and local anomalies .

  11. 方法130例经手术病理诊断的脊柱疾病患者行99mTc-MDP全身骨平面显像,显示局部异常浓聚、局部异常稀疏和局部加其他部位异常浓聚或稀疏为阳性结果。

    Methods A total of 130 patients with various spinal diseases confirmed by histopathology received radionuclide planar bone imaging in the whole body with 99mTc - MDP . The abnormal results were named as the followings ;

  12. 应用改进的克立格法分离重力区域异常与局部异常

    Separation of regional field and local field by improved Kriging method

  13. IncLOF:动态环境下局部异常的增量挖掘算法

    IncLOF : An Incremental Algorithm for Mining Local Outliers in Dynamic Environment

  14. 检测局部异常信号的一个新特征量

    A New Characteristic Quantity for Interpretation of Partially Abnormal Signal

  15. 向上延拓压制浅部异常,突出深部区域异常;向下延拓压制深部异常,突出浅部局部异常。

    Upward continuation can suppress shallow anomalies and highlighting the deep regional anomaly .

  16. 区分地磁局部异常的源场理论

    On the separation theory of local geomagnetic field

  17. 筛选-趋势分析法分离区域异常与局部异常

    The application of the Sieving-Trend analysis method to separating regional anomaly from local anomaly

  18. 不出现假局部异常;

    There is no false local anomaly .

  19. 唐山地震前磁场长期变的局部异常

    Partial Anomaly of the Secular Variations of the Geomagnetic Field Before the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake

  20. 此外,天然气扩散作用对局部异常低压体系的形成具有一定的影响。

    Moreover , gas diffusions also affect the formation of underpressure system at local part .

  21. 几乎所有的大型内生金属矿床上都有明显的航磁局部异常。

    Covering almost all the large endogenetic metallic deposits there are distinct local aeromagnetic anomalies .

  22. 局部异常增多的血管丛;

    Focal abnormal increase of vessel clumps ;

  23. 一种增强的局部异常挖掘方法

    An Enhanced Approach for Mining Local Outlier

  24. 辽东湾海域锦州27构造区局部异常超压成因机制

    Forming Mechanism of Abnormally Overpressure in the Partial Jinzhou 27 Structure Area , Liaodong Bay

  25. 塔里木盆地航磁局部异常的自学模式识别分类及评价

    Classification and evaluation of local aeromagnetic anomaly bodies in the Tarim basin by self-learning pattern recognition

  26. 划分重力区域异常与局部异常的变阶滑动趋势分析法

    Variable order sliding trend analysis method used in the division of regional and local gravity anomalies

  27. 塔里木盆地航磁△T测量取得了丰富的信息,圈出了许多局部异常。

    The aeromagnetic survey in Tarim basin offers abundant informations and shows many local aeromagnetic anomaly bodies .

  28. 实际资料处理结果表明,基于支持向量机回归的去噪方法,较好地消除了噪声的影响,同时对消除部分测点的地形与局部异常体的影响也有一定的作用。

    The processing results of magnetotelluric sounding data by the method show that effect of noise is reduced .

  29. 结果:16例患者血管造影表现为局部异常血管、造影剂外溢及假性动脉瘤;

    Results The angiographic appearance of16 cases were local abnormal vessels , extravasation of the contrast medium and pseudoaneurysm .

  30. 这些遥感构造和地球物理场中的局部异常,是进一步找矿评价的重要标志。

    So the local anomaly of geophysical field and remote sensing structure are of important signs for ore prospecting evaluation .