
shī hái
  • skeleton;skeleton of a corpse;corpse
尸骸 [shī hái]
  • (1) [skeleton of a corpse]∶即尸骨

  • (2) [corpse]∶指尸体

  • 始终微笑的和蔼的刘和珍君确是死掉了,这是真的,有她自己的尸骸为证。--《记念刘和珍君》

尸骸[shī hái]
  1. 霍华德·辛普森(HowardSimpson)曾经提到,“村庄成了废墟,无人照管。成千上万的印第安人尸骸遍地,无人埋葬”。

    One report from a man named Howard Simpson stated , " Villages lay in ruins because there was no one to tend them . The ground was strewn with the skulls and the bones of thousands of Indians who had died and none was left to bury them . "

  2. 在铁路线上发现了人的尸骸。

    Human remains were found on the railway line .

  3. 那边界有成百上千的尸骸。

    There are thousands of human remains down there .

  4. 将尸体放置在尸骸存放屋。

    Placing dead bodies in a bone room .

  5. 然而即日证明是事实了,作证的便是她自己的尸骸。

    Yet on that same day it proved to be true & the evidence was her body .

  6. 在纽约世贸中心大厦遗址,发掘出了更多的尸骸。

    At the World Trade Center site in New York , more human remains have been uncovered .

  7. 连他们的尸骸都不能幸免,金牙被拔掉,结婚戒指被扯下来

    Even their dead bodies were not immune . Gold teeth were extracted and wedding rings torn from fingers

  8. 那佣兵用剥皮的刀割开马肚,蒸汽立刻从尸骸里冒出。

    Steam rose from inside the carcass when the squat sellsword opened the belly with his skinning knife .

  9. 先落入水中的淹死,它们的尸骸变成了其他蝗虫休息的筏子。

    The first ones in all drowned but their corpses made rafts for the other ones to rest on .

  10. 沉勇而友爱的杨德群君也死掉了,有她自己的尸骸为证;

    Yang Dequn , a brave and true friend , has also died ; her body is the evidence .

  11. 成千上万的死鱼漂浮在湖面,白色的沙滩很快被它们的尸骸所覆盖。

    Millions of dead fish floated to the surface of the lake , whose white sandy beaches were soon covered in their bones .

  12. 除了将亡灵族的形象变为全肉身的僵尸外,此次升级还用整洁的坟墓代替了亡灵族死后的尸骸形象。

    As well as changing undead skeletons into fully fleshed zombies , the upgrade has replaced the bare-boned corpses of dead characters with neat graves .

  13. 大漠英豪—成吉思汗成吉思汗之名可能会使许多人想起征伐骁勇策马远离,在他身后只留下焚毁的城市与遍野堆积的尸骸。

    The name Genghis Khan probably makes many people think of conquering warriors on horseback leaving burning cities and piles of dead bodies behind them .

  14. 新闻社援引布基纳法索的消息报道,救援人员发现了尸骸和烧毁的飞机残骸。

    A news organizaton according to the source from a Burkina Faso saying that searchers had found human remains and burnt and scattered plane wreckage .

  15. 检测显示,在死后600多年,尸骸与其他死者的部分躯体组装成一副完整尸体,继而掩埋,这意味着几乎可以肯定地说,这种组装是故意的行为。

    The tests also revealed that the body parts were assembled and buried together more than 600 years after death , meaning that the assemblage was almost certainly deliberate .

  16. 如果没有人缴纳租用尸骸存放处的租金,骨骸会被移出并存放在城市贫穷区的一个建筑内。

    If no one pays for renting space in the bone room , the skeleton is removed and stored in a building in a poor part of the town .

  17. 据报道,犯案的鲨鱼被捕后,消化道中还有尸骸。不过,权威科学家至今无法确定,是什么驱使这条鲨鱼袭击了这么多人。

    The offending shark was reportedly caught with body parts still in its digestive tract , although leading scientists still aren 't sure what drove it to attack so many people .

  18. 加州政府表示,他们这周在莫哈维沙漠发现的尸骸可能是那对圣地亚哥夫妇,3年多以前这对夫妇以及他们两个年幼的儿子突然消失了。

    Authorities in California say human remains found this week in Mojave Desert appeared to be those of the San Diego couple who vanished with their 2 young sons more than 3 years ago .

  19. 他们留下了自己的尸骸、燧石、壶罐、地名和部落名,此外就没留下什么,除了白人后继者的意识中并不清晰的污痕。

    They have left their bones , their flints and pots , their place names and tribal names and little besides except a stain , seldom vivid , on the consciousness of their white successors .

  20. 然而,大部分人死后享受安宁的时间只有3年,随即他们会被挖出、洗净、塞到一个小锡盒里,然后被放入存放尸骸的房间。

    Most of the population , however , will be undisturbed for only three years , and then they will be dug up , washed , compressed into a small tin box , and placed in a bone room .