
  • 网络The little hero
  1. 为了纪念小英雄他们立了一块纪念碑。

    A monument was made in honour of the little hero .

  2. 在最后时刻力挽狂澜的小英雄,是不是?

    Little hero saves the day at the last minute , right ?

  3. 老板都夸我是民族小英雄。

    Mr Bennet keeps calling me their own little national hero .

  4. 那个小英雄既健康又勇敢。

    That little hero is courageous as well as strong .

  5. 我们的小英雄能战胜狡猾的小八戒吗?

    Can our heroes possibly defeat this wily creature ?

  6. 涞源县抗日小英雄王二小的献身故事已广为流传;

    Laiyuan County small anti-Japanese hero Wang dedication small story has already been ;

  7. 男:我要向大家介绍昨天的小英雄。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE : I would like to introduce our hero from yesterday .

  8. 他们谈论着他们的小英雄人物

    They 're talking about their little action figures

  9. 这表明他们想让这个年轻小英雄快乐地生活并且学会关爱他人。

    It showed that they wanted the young hero to enjoy life and learn to care for people .

  10. 我要我的小英雄们永远尽最大努力。我相信你们一定能做到。

    I need my heroes to always look to try their best and I know you all will .

  11. 小英雄在敌人面前高高地昂起头,周围的人都深深地感动了。

    The little hero held his head high before the enemy , and the people around him were deeply moved .

  12. 1979年的经典动画《哪吒闹海》重塑哪吒,让他成了可敬的小英雄。

    The 1979 classic animated feature Prince Nezha 's Triumph Against Dragon King turned Ne Zha into an adorable hero .

  13. 神化的小英雄&十七年阶级斗争题材儿童小说中的主人公形象

    Deification of the little hero & The protagonists of children fictions Getting the resource of class conflict from the real life

  14. 下个月,所有的旧金山市民都会参与一场特效演出,让米尔成为保护城市的小英雄。

    Next month , all of San Francisco is getting in on a stunt that enlists Miles help to save the city .

  15. 抗日小英雄海娃为坚持敌后斗争的游击队送信,机智勇敢地完成任务的故事。

    Anti-japanese little hero sea Eva persisting the guerrillas himself behind the struggle , wit brave to accomplish the task of story .

  16. 数以千计的人们手捧菊花,自发地到荆州市殡仪馆,送他们的少年英雄最后一程。这三位小英雄都是来自荆州市长江大学的19岁学生。

    Thousands of people holding chrysanthemum flowers went to the Jingzhou Memorial House to see off the teenagers , all19-year-old students from the Yangtze University based in Jingzhou City .

  17. 在新片中阿童木已经13岁了,我们的小英雄穿上了T恤和仔裤,面容也发生了改变。

    Now that he ` s 13 years old in the film , the little hero ` s put on a shirt and pants and has a different face .

  18. 数以千计的人们手捧菊花,自发地到荆州市殡仪馆,送他们的少年英雄最后一程。这三位小英雄都是来自荆州市长江大学的19岁学生,他们分别是陈及时、何东旭、方招。

    Thousands of people holding chrysanthemum flowers went to the Jingzhou Memorial House to see off the teenagers , all 19-year-old students from the Yangtze University based in Jingzhou City .

  19. 专注、低调、谦逊、正直的罗琳,如今已经准备担任布郎政府的首位文化大使。在很多方面,她就像她书中的小英雄一样,是一个让人印象深刻的人物。

    Ms Rowling , dedicated , spotlight-shunning , modest and morally serious , is now poised to be the first cultural ambassador of the Brown administration . She is in many ways as impressive a phenomenon as her young hero .

  20. 《疯狂外星人》的创作者们做出了一个鼓舞人心的决定:他们请来《生活大爆炸》中的吉姆帕森斯给这部电影中的小英雄配音,并让流行歌手蕾哈娜与他搭档。

    The creators of Home made an inspired choice in that regard for their little hero , recruiting Jim Parsons of The Big Bang Theory for the job , and they made another by pairing him with the pop star Rihanna .

  21. 其中最著名的莫过于家庭录影带版《救难小英雄》召回事件,在这部动画片播放到两只老鼠骑在沙丁鱼罐头上时,一个上身全裸的女人照片出现在窗户上,而且不止一个镜头。

    The most notable case was announced by Disney itself on a home video copy of " The Rescuers " ; as two mice ride in a sardine tin , a photograph of a topless woman can be seen in a window for several frames .

  22. 大杨一定是小杨心中的英雄,老杨知道大杨的经历吗?

    If she reads this , you would be her biggest hero .

  23. 传奇中的一些小故事成为英雄通向不朽境界的最可靠的护照。

    The incidents of the legend become the hero 's surest passport to immortality .

  24. 你小时候的英雄是谁?

    Who was you childhood hero ?

  25. 一位电视新闻记者正在沙滩上采访刚刚救起一个落水小男孩的英雄。

    A TV news reporter is interviewing someone who has just saved a little boy at the beach .

  26. 这部动画电影以全新的方式演绎了经典传说——一个小和尚寻找英雄,而前身为妖的美猴王如今法力尽失。

    The animated feature retells the classic tale with a new twist - the monk is now a child looking for a hero , and the Monkey King a ghost of his former self , having lost all his powers .

  27. 愿望成真基金会鼓励所有喜爱蝙蝠侠,和其他任何一位超级英雄的粉丝都来观看和感谢蝙蝠小侠的英雄行为。该基金会已经列出了蝙蝠小侠展开无畏的英雄行径的时间和地点。

    Fans of Batman and all things utterly heartwarming are encouraged to watch and thank Batboy in action , and the Make-A-Wish Foundation has listed the times and locations at which Miles can be spotted in his acts of fearlessness .

  28. 我要讲的这个小故事的真正英雄,是我在国际货币基金组织的出色的同事。

    The real heroes of that little story that I 'm going to tell you are really my great colleagues at the International Monetary Fund .

  29. 一个小女孩成了一位小英雄:年仅6岁的她在家中的浴室里成功帮助突然分娩的母亲接生,这一切要多亏了BBC电视剧《急诊室》。

    A six-year-old girl has been hailed a hero after she delivered her own sister when her mum went into labour in the bathroom - thanks to watching TV 's Casualty .