
  • 网络Souchong;Lapsang souchong;Souchong black tea
  1. 正山小种红茶不加糖快点上

    Lapsang souchong , no sugar and be quick about it

  2. 他的建议包括巧克力酱龙须菜搭配正山小种红茶,树莓配搭海苔。

    His suggestions include Chocolate-Dipped asparagus with Lapsang souchong tea , and raspberries with nori seaweed .

  3. 武夷正山小种红茶(每50克7英镑)

    Bohea Lapsang ( 7 for 50g )

  4. 所以正山小种红茶可以说的上是最古老的一种红茶,非常适合闲暇之余与咖喱肉的搭配品尝。

    So are the small kind of black tea can mount is one of the oldest black tea , very suitable for spare time and curry meat collocation taste .