
  • 网络petite france;Petite-France;La Petite France;La petit France
  1. 在“小法兰西”(PetiteFrance)社区走过姜饼屋风格的房屋,你会自觉身处格林童话《亨舍尔与格雷琴》(HanselandGretel)的场景中,暗中期待亨舍尔与格雷琴在卵石小道匆匆跑过。

    Strolling past gingerbread-style mansions in the Petite France neighborhood , you half expect to glimpse Hansel and Gretel scurrying across the cobblestones .

  2. 如果你想在老城区小法兰西入住一家华丽高档酒店,请到金盾温泉酒店(HôtelLeBouclierd’Or&Spa;1,rueduBouclier,33-3-88-13-73-55;lebouclierdor.com)。

    For stately , aristocratic ambience in the historical Petite France neighborhood , H ô tel Le Bouclier d'Or & Spa ( 1 , rue du Bouclier , 33-3-88-13-73-55 ; lebouclierdor . com ) is a two-year-old addition .