
xiǎo kāng shuǐ píng
  • comparatively well-off level;a modest level of prosperity;a relatively comfortable standard of living;be comparatively well-off both materially and culturally
小康水平[xiǎo kāng shuǐ píng]
  1. 为本世纪末实现城镇居住小康水平而奋斗&城市住宅问题学术讨论会代表建议

    Striving for a Comfortable Living Standard at the Turn of the Century

  2. 贵州省小康水平浅析

    Brief Analysis on the Affluence Level of Guizhou Province

  3. 关于总体小康水平和全面小康社会的设想

    Suppose On General Well-Off and All Around Well-Off Society

  4. 从小康水平全面小康到和谐社会

    The Overall View of the Moderately Well-off Society

  5. 而今的中国,综合国力显著增强,人民生活总体上达到小康水平。

    China 's national strength has grown remarkably and the people are better off .

  6. 第二部分分析山西省各地区近五年农民人均纯收入和农村基础设施建设及山西省农村的全面小康水平,总结了近些年山西省农村全面小康建设的基本经验;

    Chapter two analyses and evaluates the level of all-round in Shanxi rural areas .

  7. 论实现陕西总体小康水平的程度与目标选择

    Realization of the Overall Well - to - Do Standard of Living in Shaanxi

  8. 河南省小康水平实现程度差异研究

    County divergence of well-to-do level in Henan province

  9. 与时俱进:目标管理的现实思考&论从总体小康水平到全面建设小康社会的构想

    On the Blueprint of Constructing an Overall Well-to-do Society from the Level of Being Generally Well-off

  10. 浙江省要求在2007年全省要达到小康水平。

    We are required to meet the standard of well-off society by 2007 in Zhejiang Province .

  11. 江西省2000年小康水平的生态环境指标研究

    Study on the Ecological Environment Target of Standard of Well-off in Jiangxi province in 2000 Year

  12. 人民生活继续改善,总体上达到小康水平。

    The people 's living standards continued to improve , generally reaching a moderate level of prosperity .

  13. 中国人民的下一个奋斗目标是在本世纪末达到小康水平。

    The next ojective for the Chinese people to strive for is to reach the well-to-do level .

  14. 如果我们本世纪内达到了小康水平,那就可以使他们清醒一点。

    If we can become comparatively prosperous by the end of this century , they will be partly convinced .

  15. 改革开放以来,中国的经注进入了一个高速、稳定的发展时期,物质文明建设逐渐达到小康水平,但是精神文明建设却滞后于经济的发展。

    Since the reform and opening , China 's economy has entered a period of high speed and stable development .

  16. 浙江省要在2010年全面实现小康水平,必须重视和加强农村电力建设。

    To realize the well-off target by 2010 in Zhejiang Province , the rural power construction must be highlighted and strengthened .

  17. 第一步,到本世纪末翻两番,达到小康水平。

    The first goal we set was to quadruple the GNP and achieve comparative prosperity by the end of the century .

  18. 巩固和提高目前达到的小康水平,还需要进行长时期的艰苦奋斗。

    We need to work hard over a long period of time to consolidate and uplift our current well-off standard of living .

  19. 近年来,我国城市整体居住水平得到了很大的提高,正在向全面小康水平迈进。

    In recent years , urban residential level has been improved greatly in china and been going forward the overall well-off target .

  20. 白云区社会保障体系健全,人民安居乐业,生活进入小康水平。

    Baiyun District , a sound social security system , the people live and work , into a well-off standard of living .

  21. 我们提出四个现代化的最低目标,是到本世纪末达到小康水平。

    The minimum target of our modernization programme is to achieve a comparatively comfortable standard of living by the end of the century .

  22. 第二步目标,到2000年国民生产总值比1990年增长一倍,大部分人民生活达到小康水平;

    The second step was to double the annual GNP of 1990 by 2000 and ensure that most people were living prosperous lives .

  23. 浅析总体小康水平与全面小康社会

    An Elementary Analysis of the overall well - to - do off Level and an All - round well - to - do society

  24. 国民生产总值提前实现了比1980年翻两番的战略目标,人民生活总体上达到了小康水平。

    With the gross national product quadrupled over that of 1980 ahead of schedule , the Chinese people now live a relatively comfortable life .

  25. 十二亿多中国人不仅解决了温饱问题,而且总体上达到小康水平。

    The 1.2 billion-plus Chinese people have not only solved the problem of food and clothing but also secured in general a relatively comfortable life .

  26. 可以设想,在本世纪末达到小康水平的时候,就要突出地提出和解决这个问题。

    I can imagine that the right time might be the end of this century , when our people are living a fairly comfortable life .

  27. 文章对3类县的社会经济发展作了比较分析,寻找制约山区经济发展的主要因素,探讨山区向小康水平发展需要选择的发展模式。

    The author analyzes the socio-economic development for three types of county above-mentioned , looks for the main factors which restrict economic development of mountainous area .

  28. 从对目前我国小康水平的总体判断出发,西部地区以及资源环境的可持续发展是重中之重。

    Base on the judgment to the present level of our country well-off society , we know west and sustainable resource and environment development is emphasis .

  29. 至于人民生活,到本世纪末达到小康水平,比现在要好得多。

    By the end of the century , our people will have a comfortable standard of living , much higher than the one they have now .

  30. 当今中国,综合国力显著增强,人民生活总体上达到小康水平,迸发出前所未有的活力和创造力。

    The China of today , whose comprehensive national strength has grown significantly and whose people lead moderately prosperous lives , is beaming with unprecedented dynamism and creativity .