
  • 网络elementary mathematics;maths;mathematics;elementary school math
  1. 澳门小学数学课程试验与教师成长

    The elementary mathematics curriculum experiment of Macao and teachers ' growing

  2. 小学数学教材中几何情境创设的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Establishing Geometry Situations in Elementary Mathematics Textbooks

  3. 2.爱因斯坦小学数学不及格?阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦小时候数学从未不及格。

    Albert Einstein never flunked2 a math class as a child .

  4. CAI课件在小学数学教学中的运用

    The Utilization of CAI Courseware in the Math Teaching of Primary School

  5. 基于PASS理论的小学数学学习困难儿童应用题问题表征研究

    A Study on the Problem Representation of the Word-problem of the Elementary School Students with Mathematic Learning Disability Which is Based on the PASS Theory

  6. 面向小学数学目标测评的ICAI系统研究与实现

    The ICAI System Research and Realization for Primary Mathematics Goal Test and Evaluation

  7. 小学数学教学中实施EEPO的行动研究

    An Action Research on " EEPO " of Mathematical Instruction in Elementary School

  8. 少数民族多语种小学数学课件的设计与开发

    Mathematics Courseware Design and Development for Elementary Schools in Minority Regions

  9. 小学数学教育中具有语言教育要素。

    There are language teaching elements in primary schools mathematics teaching .

  10. 国外小学数学教育的发展与我国小学数学教育的改革

    The Development Abroad and Reformation at Home in Elementary Mathematical Education

  11. 把小学数学教学看作思维活动的教学

    Take Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools to Be Thinking Activity Teaching

  12. 网络环境下小学数学主题教学模式应用研究

    Applied Research of Elementary School Mathematics Thematic Instruction Model under Network

  13. 小学数学作业创新设计举隅

    The elemental research in the innovation design of the mathematics assignment

  14. 小学数学纸笔测验的改造与开发

    Design and Development on Pencil and Paper Test in Primary Mathematics

  15. 小学数学中的集合思想

    The thought of mathematical set in elementary schools Fun with Math

  16. 小学数学课堂教学中设疑的方法

    The Methods of Conceiving Questions in Mathematics Class of Primary School

  17. 小学数学情境与提出问题的教学实践&长方形的周长和面积的比较教学案例

    Case of Teaching about the Comparison between Rectangles Perimeter and Acreage

  18. 小学数学新教材编写特点研究

    Study on Compilation Characteristics of New Mathematics Textbook of Primary School

  19. 小学数学教育中人文意识教育的研究与实践

    In Elementary School Mathematics Education Humanities Consciousness Education Research and Practice

  20. 小学数学学科是我国义务教育阶段的一门重要学科。

    Mathematics is an important subject of compulsory education in China .

  21. 小学数学教材适用性的个案研究

    The Case Study for the Applicability of Mathematics Textbook for Elementary School

  22. 小学数学教材之文化特性研究

    A Study of Culture on Mathematics Textbooks for Primary Schools

  23. 小学数学教师职前培养应重视的几个方面

    Several Aspects of Paying Attention to Primary Mathematics Teacher 's Pre-service Training

  24. 在小学数学中实施探究学习的策略

    Strategy for Applying Research-oriented Study of Math in Primary Schools

  25. 在小学数学教学中引导学生主动学习

    Guiding the Students to Learning Actively in the Maths Teaching

  26. 论本科小学数学教师教育课程的整合

    On Integration of Educational Course of Primary-School Math Teachers with Bachelor Degree

  27. 第五部分是用文本分析法对20位小学数学教师的教案进行了分析。

    The fifth part is analysis of lesson plans of mathematics teachers .

  28. 小学数学游戏型课件的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of Game-based Courseware on Primary Mathematics

  29. 小学数学直观教学的运用时机

    The right moment to apply direct-vision method in math teaching

  30. 注意小学数学语言的语义转换训练。

    Pay attention to train the conversion of primary mathematical language meaning .