
xiǎo tiān dì
  • one's own little world;personal life circle
小天地 [xiǎo tiān dì]
  • [personal life circle;one's own little world] 指个人的相对封闭而自足的生活圈子

小天地[xiǎo tiān dì]
  1. 我讨厌整天给圈在办公室的小天地里。

    I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day .

  2. 不要把自己关在办公室的小天地里。

    Don 't confine yourself within the four walls of an office .

  3. 这些色彩斑斓的宝石构成了不列颠哥伦比亚的田园,是营养保护的小天地。

    These colourful and sweet jewels form British Columbia 's fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection .

  4. 欢迎光临我的小天地。

    Welcome to my small world .

  5. “妈咪洞穴”是一个女人在家里留出的一块可以按自己的喜好装饰的小天地,在这个“洞穴”里她可以安静地做自己想做的事情。

    Mom cave is an area of a house that a woman can decorate to her tastes and be alone to pursue her own projects and interests .

  6. 尚不清楚在某家“Alphabet子公司”的小天地工作会不会像在眼下的谷歌解决复杂问题一样具有吸引力。

    It is not obvious that working in a silo at Company XYZ , " an Alphabet subsidiary , " is as attractive as working on complex issues across today 's Google .

  7. 埃迪我在本尼迪克特找到一个心爱的小天地。

    Eddie , I found a darling little place up on benedict .

  8. 他生活在自己的小天地里。

    He lives in a little universe of his own .

  9. 新条例使某些金融机构小天地中的人感到不安。

    The new rules upset the cosy world of certain financial institutions .

  10. 科学家在地球上的一个小天地里进行生命试验。

    Scientists test life in a small world on earth .

  11. 他们在自己的小天地里过着与世隔绝的生活。

    They live isolated lives in their own little world .

  12. 这个市场可视为是大世界中的一个小天地。

    The market may be viewed as a microcosm of the larger world .

  13. 一些被他们视为与乡村小天地格格不入的外来习俗。

    Customs which they see as alien and external to their village world .

  14. 女人偶尔也要有自己的小天地。

    Sometimes , a woman has to be alone .

  15. 他可以蜷缩在个人的小天地里。

    He may withdraw into his own private world .

  16. 她老是守在自己心灵的整洁而闭塞的小天地里。

    She lived too much in the neat little airless room of her mind .

  17. 小天地大社会&评简·奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》

    Narrow World but Broad Society & On Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice ;

  18. 他有时会离开那个小天地。

    He sometimes vanished from its horizon .

  19. 巴比特的小天地崩塌了。

    Babbitt 's world collapsed about him .

  20. 许多成果只不过是官方宣传,而且几乎没有人看到自己的小天地之外。

    Many simply churn out official propaganda , and few look far beyond their own backyard .

  21. 在小天地里称王称霸的人他已惯于在乡里称王称霸了。

    He had been used to being of cock of the walk in his native village .

  22. 点亮心中的灯,让温馨柔和的光,曳泻私密的小天地。

    Light up your heart , and let the warm soft light flows into your private world .

  23. 对网志主要的批评之一是,有太多人沉浸于自己的小天地之中。

    One of the main criticisms of blogs is that so many are self - absorbed tripe .

  24. 多亏了紧紧关闭的大门和脾气火爆的门卫,老板得以在自己的小天地里自得其乐。

    THANKS to closed doors and fierce gatekeepers , bosses are tricky to observe in their natural habitat .

  25. 她年轻的时候,生活自己的小天地里,没有什么朋友。

    When she was young , she lived in a world of her own and had very few friends .

  26. 恬静的客房,成为您雅致小天地,室内设计色调柔和,设备一应俱全。

    Its guest rooms , where ideas can become your nice , warm interior design colors , equipment available .

  27. 但是这场战争也必然波及到他极力保护的家庭。(直译:他不可能把这场战争排斥在他为自己和家人营造的小天地之外。)

    But he could not shut the war out of the sheltered world he had built for himself and his family .

  28. 编程赋予我这一神奇的力量,使我能够建立自己的一方小天地,按照自己的规则、范式和实践。

    Programming gives me this amazing power to build my whole little universe with its own rules and paradigms and practices .

  29. 一个人足不出户,呆在自己家的私人小天地中就能够跟全世界进行交流。

    A person can communicate with the world from the privacy of their own home without ever having to set foot outside .

  30. 大家好啊!欢迎来我的小天地做客!我愿意把我的喜好与您一起分享,谢谢!

    Hello , everybody ! welcome to my small home ! I 'm very like share Preferences with you , think you !