
  • 网络JOHNNIE WALKER;Johnny Walker;John Walker
  1. 这家生产尊尼获加(JohnnieWalker)威士忌的企业,去年下半年在欧洲的销售额出现了下降。

    The maker of Johnnie Walker whisky saw European sales fall in the second half .

  2. 它在上海运营着尊尼获加尊邸(JohnnieWalkerHouse),其网站说,这是威士忌文化的使馆。

    In Shanghai , it runs the Johnnie Walker House , where , according to its website , it is an embassy for whisky culture .

  3. 它在上海运营着尊尼获加“尊邸”(JohnnieWalkerHouse),其网站说,这是“威士忌文化的使馆”。

    In Shanghai , it runs the Johnnie Walker House , where , according to its website , it is " an embassy for whisky culture . "

  4. 比如,帝亚吉欧在截止6月的财报中表示,尊尼获加(johnniewalker)威士忌在巴西的销量增长了20%。

    Reporting results for the year to June , Diageo saw sales of Johnnie Walker whisky rise 20 per cent in Brazil , for example .

  5. 作为尊尼获加(JohnnieWalker)的生产商,帝亚吉欧将在五年内斥资10亿英镑提高在苏格兰的产能,目的主要是服务于新兴市场。

    The Johnnie Walker maker is investing ? ? 1bn over five years to ramp up manufacturing capacity in Scotland , largely to service emerging markets .

  6. Redburn写道,日本消费者喜欢喝优质威士忌,很多奢侈品牌都是专门面向日本市场推出的,尊尼获加金牌((JohnnieWalkerGoldLabel)威士忌就是其一。

    The Japanese consumer acquired a taste for premium Scotch and many deluxe brands , such as Johnnie Walker Gold Label , were launched exclusively for the Japanese market .

  7. 帝亚吉欧拥有尊尼获加(johnniewalker)威士忌和百利(baileys)甜酒品牌,该公司一直在中国进行扩张,以求获益于中国对酒类饮品不断增长的需求。

    Diageo , which owns the Johnnie Walker whisky and Baileys liqueur brands , has been expanding in China to take advantage of rising demand for alcoholic drinks .

  8. 今年早些时候,帝亚吉欧(Diageo)旗下的尊尼获加(JohnnieWalker)专门面向华人市场推出了12瓶装的农历新年版,每套定价4800美元。

    Meanwhile , earlier this year Diageo DGE.LN - 0.28 % - owned Johnnie Walker unveiled a Lunar New Year collection of 12 bottles specifically for the Chinese market , priced at $ 4800 per set .

  9. 尊尼获加拥有34%的中国威士忌市场,使其成为第二大热门品牌,仅次于法国保乐力加(PernodRicard)旗下的芝华士(ChivasRegal)。芝华士占有50%的市场份额。

    Johnnie Walker has 34 per cent of the Chinese whisky market , making it the second most popular brand behind Pernod Ricard 's Chivas Regal , which has a 50 per cent share .

  10. 于是,尊尼获加加盟了一级方程式的赛事。

    Hence , the move to link Johnnie Walker to Formula One racing .

  11. 他俩身后的窗台上放着一瓶尊尼获加威士忌。

    On the window ledge behind them is a bottle of Johnnie Walker whisky .

  12. 单就尊尼获加这一个品牌来说,欧洲相对来说只是个小市场。

    For Johnnie Walker as a brand , Europe has become a relatively smaller market .

  13. 这家名叫尊尼获加的酒吧为中国人带来了世界顶级鸡尾酒新享受。

    The Johnnie Walker House has brought top quality scotch to Chinese elites at this exclusive venue in the country 's capital .

  14. 1997年欧洲高尔夫球巡回赛首场赛事、尊尼获加精英赛在澳大利亚昆士兰举行。

    The first golf event of the 1997 PGA European Tour , the Johnnie Walke Classic , takes place in Queensland , Australia .

  15. 但是对于持有尊尼获加品牌的跨国公司帝亚吉欧,欧洲市场仍占其总销量的30%。

    But for Diageo , the British multinational that owns the label , Europe still accounts for nearly 30 % of total sales .

  16. 然而,尽管增长迅猛,单一麦芽威士忌作为一个门类还是远远落后于白酒、干邑和尊尼获加之类的混合型威士忌。

    But even with strong growth , single-malt whisky as a category lags far behind baijiu , cognac and blended whiskies such as Johnnie Walker .

  17. 9位参加今年尊尼获加超级巡回赛的选手们休息日在曼谷河边试试他们一杆进洞的机会。

    The nine players in this year 's Johnny Walker Super Tour took their day off by taking their chances at hitting a hole-in-one on the Bangkok River .

  18. 尊尼获加由总部位于伦敦的啤酒大亨迪阿吉奥经营,自从迪阿吉奥推动啤酒市场后,位于内罗毕摩天大厦的旁边20层楼的楼层都在向顾客兜售黑尊尼获加。

    Hence the marketing push by Diageo , the London-based drinks giant that owns Johnnie Walker.A20-storey hoarding on the side of a skyscraper in Nairobi touts Johnnie Walker Black .

  19. 芝华士皇家礼炮、苏格兰、百龄坛、白马、尊尼获加、黑方、杰克丹尼、龙津等等。

    Chivas Royal Salute , Scotch , Ballantine 's , White Horse , Johnnie Walker , Black Label , Jack 's Daniel 's , Long John and so on .

  20. 上海这家尊尼获加“尊邸”的地板用橡木桶制成,墙壁用大麦和泥炭制成,它部分是商店,部分是博物馆,一切都很尊贵高雅。

    With its floors made of oak casks and walls of barley and peat , the Shanghai house of Walker is part shop , part Museum - and all sophistication .

  21. 子弹波旁威士忌、唐胡里奥和价格较高的尊尼获加威士忌都很畅销,而皇冠伏特加和摩根船长朗姆酒的销售则面临压力,因为部分消费者转而购买价位更低的酒。

    Bulleit , Don Julio and the higher priced Johnnie Walker Scotches sold well , while Smirnoff and Captain Morgan rum were pressured as some consumers traded down to lower priced spirits .

  22. 总体而言,作为尊尼获加威士忌、坎特1号伏特加和唐胡里奥龙舌兰的生产商,帝亚吉欧在报告中提到,其截至6月30日的年净销售额下滑9%至103亿英镑(约合173亿美元)。

    Overall , the maker of Johnnie Walker Scotch , Ketel One vodka and Don Julio tequila reported net sales slid 9 % to 10.3 billion British pounds ( $ 17.3 billion ) for the year ended June 30 .

  23. 因而本文选择尊尼获加为品牌文本(一套具有独立意义的符号或符号集成),以尊尼获加视觉传播为品牌的研究主体,从商业化策略的角度入手,研究品牌的发展。

    Which is originally a set of sign or sign integration involving independent meaning . Taking its visual communication as the main study-body of brand , this dissertation researches brand 's development and works through the angle of commercial strategy as well .

  24. 尊尼获加的在华营销,需要反映出同行和家庭认同个人成就的重要性,同时也要照顾到这样一个事实:在中国,威士忌属于年轻人的饮料,胡珀-格林希尔表示。

    Johnnie Walker 's marketing in China needed to reflect the importance of peer group and family perceptions of an individual 's achievements , while also accommodating the fact that whisky [ in China ] is a youthful drink , Mr Hooper-Greenhill says .