
duì děng
  • reciprocity;reciprocal;parity;equity;on an equal footing
对等 [duì děng]
  • [equity;reciprocity;parity] 同等;相等;等级、条件、地位等相同

  • 对等原则

对等[duì děng]
  1. VPN可以有多种实现方式,包括叠加模式和对等模式。

    There are many ways of realization of VPN , including superposition mode and reciprocity mode .

  2. 提出了一个经济的、可以增加Win95对等网应用范围的一个教学实验方案。

    The article puts forward a new experiment plan in teaching , which is economical and can increase the application range of WIN95 reciprocity .

  3. 外交大臣现正和白宫的对等官员会谈。

    The Foreign Secretary is currently having talks with his opposite number in the White House .

  4. 两国同意给予对方公民以对等的特权。

    The two countries agreed to extend reciprocal privileges to each other 's citizens .

  5. 超过80%的30岁到35岁的专业人士声称自己工作时并不快乐,压力、厌倦、感到工作中投入和回报并不对等,这些都让他们身心俱疲。

    More than 80 % of 30-to 35-year-old professionals claim they are unhappy at work , worn down by a combination of stress , boredom and the feeling that their job isn 't giving back as much as they put into it .

  6. 基于分布式哈希表对等网络的Web服务发现

    Web Service Discovery Based on DHT Peer-to-Peer Network

  7. CT对等密度硬膜下血肿占位征象的分析

    CT Analysis of the Occupying Signs of Isodense Subdural Hematoma

  8. 动态对等通信(dynamicpeercommunication)是目前最复杂的群组通信方式之一。

    Dynamic peer communication is the most complicated of all the group communication mode .

  9. 不同于CONNECT,Direct设计为对等结构。

    Unlike CONNECT , Direct is designed to be peer-to-peer .

  10. 关于(g,f)-对等图

    On ( g , f ) _ uniform graphs

  11. (g,f)-k-对等图的若干充分条件

    Some Sufficient Conditions on ( g , f ) - k - Uniform Graphs

  12. 分布式哈希表[1](DistributedHashTable,DHT)是一种非常有前景的对等网络拓扑模型。

    Distributed Hash Table is a compellent peer-to-peer meshwork topology model .

  13. P2P对等网络的关键技术及应用

    The Chief Techniques and Applications of Peer - to - Peer Network

  14. 随着对等网络应用的飞速发展,P2P数据流占据了Internet上大部分数据流。

    With the development of P2P network , P2P applications occupy most data flow of the Internet .

  15. 对等网络将Internet边缘节点的资源收集起来,提供强大的计算与存储能力。

    P2P network collects the resource on the nodes at the edge of Internet to provide strong computing power and storage capability .

  16. 对等网络(Peer-to-PeerNetwork,简称P2P)是一个完全非中心化、自组织的资源使用系统。

    P2P ( Peer-to-Peer Network ) is a system with completely decentralized self-organization and resource usage .

  17. 讨论和总结了P2P网络中对等点的定位以及基于P2P模型的程序框架。

    Discusses and summarizes some methods about location in peer-to-peer network and P2P application framework ;

  18. 通过上下文分析,运用语篇对等理论,笔者造了一个新词&利物与good一词实现语篇对等。

    By application of co-text analysis and textual equivalence , however , the author manages to code a new Chinese word " li wu ", which helps realize textual equivalence .

  19. 近年来,对等(Peer-to-Peer,P2P)网络技术是计算机网络技术中的一个热点。

    Recently , Peer-to-Peer network technology has been a hotspot in computer network technologies .

  20. 文章围绕由华中科技大学信息存储系统实验室研制的对等存储系统穴HustdAtastoragesystemlabPeer-to-PeerstoragesYstem熏HAPPY雪,对其系统结构、工作原理、扩展性、容错性进行了介绍。

    This paper surrounds Hust data storage system lab Peer-to-Peer storage system , introduces its archi-tecture , work theory , scalability and fault tolerant .

  21. CloudLabGridAutomation使访问网格和协作式对等功能和特性变得非常轻松,促进了自动化测试在云中的运用。

    Cloud Lab Grid Automation makes accessing grid and collaborative peer-to-peer functions and feathers easy to facilitate automated testing in the cloud .

  22. 对等网中Chord资源查找算法研究

    Research on Chord Lookup Algorithm for Peer - to - Peer Network

  23. 随着互联网的发展,对等网络(Peer-to-PeerNetwork,简称P2P网络)成为目前热门的研究领域之一。

    With the development of the Internet , Peer-to-Peer Network ( P2P ) has become one of the popular research fields nowadays .

  24. 因此本文提出运用P2P(Peer-to-Peer,即对等网络)结构来实现工作流系统。

    Therefore , this paper proposes to create workflow system using P2P ( Peer-to-Peer ) structure .

  25. P2P是英文peer-to-peer的缩写,即对等网络或对等计算。

    P2P is the abbreviation of peer-to-peer . It means peer-to-peer network or peer-to-peer computation model .

  26. 对等网络(P2P)是一种由若干协作的计算机节点构成的分布式网络。

    Peer-to-peer ( P2P ) is a distributed network by a number of collaborative compo-sitions of the computer nodes .

  27. P2P(peertopeer,对等网络)是指分布式系统中的各个节点是逻辑对等的。

    P2P ( Peer To Peer ) means each pitch point in the distributional system is logically coordinated .

  28. 英语等式句(equativesentence)与对等句(identicalsentence)是英语语义学中易混淆的一对重要概念。

    Equative Sentence and Identical Sentence are two easily confused concepts in English Semantics .

  29. 表1显示的是InterChangeServer协作模板节点与BPEL中对等行为的映射。

    Table 1 displays the mappings between the InterChange Server collaboration template nodes and the equivalent activities in BPEL .

  30. P2P系统因其各节点完全对等和网络自组织性等原因而天生具有高可伸缩性和高可靠性等特点。

    P2P systems inherently have high scalability and reliability because there is no centralized server and the network self-organizes itself .