- play chess

[play chess] 下棋
The chess player confused the computer by making some irrational moves halfway through the game .
The EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing on Tuesday released a 70-page critique of China 's industrial policy , known as China Manufacturing 2025 .
A man and manipulators face to face chess-playing system is developed by using technology of image processing , serial communication and PLC programming .
Lee Se-Dol said he was in shock at losing to a machine after it beat him in the first game on Wednesday .
A chess master by age 13 and a competitor at the Mind Sports Olympiad , he is remembered for dashing between matches to battle various competitors at once .
In order to improve the go teaching and popularize go playing , the paper aims to develop a good UE go app based on multi-touch technology .
Google 's AI , AlphaGo , has just finished a five-game series of Go against Lee Se-dol , perhaps the best player of the game alive .
An IBM executive told a recent conference that when supercomputer Deep Blue was halfway through its 1997 chess match with Garry Kasparov , it made a random move , due to a software bug .
Yu Bin , head coach of China 's national Go team , said the unidentified player 's invincible patterns and speed in taking a move almost every five seconds raise suspicions of an AI program at work .
Studying the design of chess data structure , searching algorithm , evaluation function , etc. Develop chess program based on VC . Propose a method of extraction coordinates of chess pieces . 2 、 Research on image procession and feature extraction .
This week , the South Korean took on an artificially intelligent computer program called AlphaGo created by DeepMind , a British company owned by Google .
That moment came on Wednesday when , after three-and-a-half hours play , Mr Lee conceded to AlphaGo .
Instead , AlphaGo learned to recognise promising moves by playing huge numbers of Go matches against itself .
In the series of five matches in Seoul , the machine is winning , taking a 2-0 lead in the contest .
Lee Se-dol , the South Korean who has been the top Go player for a decade , was delighted at his first victory , although AlphaGo had already clinched the $ 1m prize in the best-of-five series .
In October , AlphaGo beat Fan Hui , the European Go champion , by five games to zero - a feat experts had predicted would take a decade .
Internet tycoons had heated discussions on the promise of artificial intelligence ( AI ) following the historic victory earlier this month for Google Inc 's AI-powered AlphaGo over South Korean Go master Lee Se-dol .
To teach its system , DeepMind set two Go-playing programs against each other , using a technique known as " reinforcement learning " to help the technology iterate and adapt .
Select the search engine which pruning more efficient inject quiescence search to improve playing strength , play game with each other , proved the most efficient pruning search algorithm & PVSHNTIQ playing strength is highest .
And both learning subsystem and playing subsystem are pivotal subsystems .
Design and analysis of the chinese-chess robot in real time environment
Development of Man and Manipulator 's Chess-playing System Based on Image Processing
Application of Combining Reinforcement Learning With Artificial Neural Network to Playing Chess
Grand masters play against average joes who wander in off thestreet .
The Computer Aid Analysis for Game of Chinese Chess
I just went there to play him again .
The contest is being staged in Seoul and has generated huge interest .
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Behavior Analysis of One Side in the Budgeting Gambling & under Three Different motivation Compensation Schemes
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