
  • 网络Paternalistic Leadership
  1. 该文回顾了家长式领导研究的发展历程,分析了家长式领导的文化基础,介绍了家长式领导三元理论及其测量工具PLS,并指出家长式领导对领导效能有不可忽视的解释力。

    In this paper , a review of paternalistic leadership research was given and the deep cultural roots of PL were analyzed , the three-elements theory of paternalistic leadership and PLS ( paternalistic leadership scale ) were introduced .

  2. 根据行为推理理论(BRT),在组织变革的背景下,家长式领导的各个维度都会影响员工对行为选择合理性的判断,从而对员工变革支持行为产生影响。

    Based on Behavioral Reasoning Theory ( BRT ), in the situation of change , each dimension of paternalistic leadership has a influence on the of reasons of behavioral choices of employees , so as to change-supportive behavior .

  3. 变革型领导和家长式领导的有效性研究

    The Research on Leadership Validity of Transformational Leadership and Paternalistic Leadership

  4. 家长式领导对员工的主管忠诚还有直接的预测关系。

    Furthermore , Paternalistic Leadership have direct impact on Employee 's supervisory loyalty .

  5. 中国大陆地区家长式领导的结构与测量

    The Structure and Measurement of Paternalistic Leadership in China

  6. 家长式领导与组织公正的关系研究

    The Relationship of Paternalistic Leadership and Organizational Justice

  7. 因此,中国本土特有的家长式领导行为对员工工作投入的影响是一个值得研究的问题。

    Therefore , paternalistic leadership behavior affecting on job involvement that is a important problem .

  8. 越来越多的证据表明,家长式领导能很好地解释华人组织的效能。

    It has been proved that paternalistic leadership can well explain the performance of Chinese organizations .

  9. 员工的主管信任在家长式领导与主管忠诚之间起到了显著的中介作用。

    Employee 's supervisory trust mediate the relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Employee 's supervisory loyalty .

  10. 员工的控制倾向缓冲了家长式领导的权威领导维度与员工的主管忠诚的追随维度。

    The control-intention moderate the relationship between Authoritarian leadership and following dimension of Employee 's supervisory loyalty .

  11. 高校中层家长式领导对教师的工作态度具有预测作用。

    Paternalistic leadership of middle management of colleges and universities can affect the teachers ' working attitude . 3 .

  12. 结果表明,家长式领导能够直接影响程序公正、领导公正、领导解释;

    The result indicates that PL can influence procedural justice , leader justice and leader interpretation , but not distributive justice .

  13. 在中国传统文化的大背景下,家长式领导风格(有别于变革型领导风格)逐渐成为企业领导者的一种秉承传统而又不乏理性的选择。

    Under the background of Chinese traditional culture , Paternalistic Leadership is gradually becoming a traditional and rational choice for enterprise leaders .

  14. 家族制经营与现代化经营,最大的区别在于经营中的关系主义、管理中的家长式领导、对所有权和经营权控制的产权结构。

    The top differences between family-managed enterprises and contemporary management ones include the relationship , autocratic leadership , the distribution between property and management right .

  15. 所使用的测量工具为:家长式领导风格量表、工作满意度量表、组织承诺量表、离职倾向量表、集体效能量表。

    They were responded on the Paternalistic leadership scale , working-satisfaction scale , organization commitment scale , demission incline scale , and the collective efficacy scale .

  16. 摘要本研究的目的在了解家长式领导、情绪感受以及运动员竞技倦怠之关系。

    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among Chinese paternalistic leadership , emotional impression and athletic burnout in High School Division I athletes .

  17. 随着本土化运动的兴起,郑伯勋等人提出的东方文化价值观背景下的家长式领导行为目前已成为学者的关注焦点之一。

    With the rise of the localization movement , paternalistic leadership behavior under the background of oriental cultural values that was proposed by Cheng has become one of the focus areas of management .

  18. 源于华人文化背景的家长式领导,涵盖德行领导、仁慈领导和威权领导三个维度,带有一定的文化异质性。越来越多的证据表明,家长式领导对员工的态度和行为有重要影响。

    Originated from Chinese culture background , and with a certain cultural heterogeneity , paternalistic leadership ( PL ) includes three dimensions , such as moral leadership , benevolence leadership and authoritarianism leadership .

  19. 家长式领导对组织学习的作用基于家长式领导三元理论的观点导师制:引领专家型教师成长的有效范式厦门市小学专家型教师培养的研究与实践

    Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Organizational Learning Tutorial System : an Effective Mode for the Development of Expert Teachers & Research and Practice of Fostering Expert Teachers in the Primary Schools in Xiamen City

  20. 综述既是对全文的理论基础做研究和回顾,该部分进一步对家长式领导、组织支持感、建言行为以及各变量之间的关系研究结果进行了梳理和回顾。

    This part of the leadership , organization of patriarchal further support feeling , and made Suggestions behavior all variables in the study of the relationship between the results of the reviews and review .

  21. 目前,已有学者对家长式领导行为、领导成员交换和工作投入之间进行了两两变量之间关系的研究,没有在同一情境下对它们同时进行研究。

    Currently , a lot of scholars studied the relationship between the two variables among paternalistic leadership behavior , leader member exchange and job involvement , they have not been studied simultaneously in the same situation .

  22. 个体特征和组织特征在家长式领导和心理授权、组织公民行为关系中起到调节作用,并且加入个体和组织特征后,解释力明显增强。

    The individual characteristics and organizational characteristics play a regulatory role in the paternalistic leadership , psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior , to join the individual and organizational characteristics , the explanatory power is significantly enhanced .

  23. 本研究的创新点是成功的将知识共享这一变量引入到对家长式领导的研究之中,将知识共享作为中介变量,来探讨家长式领导与企业创新绩效间的作用机制。

    The innovation of this paper is introducing the variable of knowledge sharing into the paternalistic leadership research successfully , knowledge sharing as a intermediary variable , to explore the relationship between paternalistic leadership and enterprise innovation performance .

  24. 家长式领导是基于中国传统文化而有别于西方领导理论的本土领导理论,广泛存在于各种类型的华人组织中,是中华文化下组织的普遍特征。

    Paternalistic leadership ( PL ) was based on Chinese traditional culture and different from western leadership theories . It was a basic character of organizations in Chinese culture , and had been found to be prevalent in kinds of Chinese organizations .