
  • 网络home accessories;home decoration;HOME DECOR
  1. 这一理论不仅适用于网络商店,在传统的家居饰品店经营上也能得到很好的诠释。

    The theory is not only good for online stores but also useful to the home decor stores .

  2. 专业从事欧美古典风格的仿旧做旧的家居饰品、工艺摆件、工艺小家具的开发与销售。是较早涉入国内家居饰品连锁加盟的知名企业之一。

    It specializes in manufacturing of decorative home accessories and furniture and has been one of the well-known leading enterprises in home accent franchising chain business in China .

  3. 商行将在艺术文化家居饰品领域孜孜不倦地开发更多品类,以饷向来关注昱泰成长的消费者。

    The firm is committed to continuously developing more and more cultural furnishing products to meet our customers'ever-changing requirements .

  4. 陶艺家居饰品的文化演变和设计探索陶艺家在两地的创作作品可按适当比例取回。

    Culture Evolution and Design Exploration of Ceramic House Decoration ; Works being done can be owned by the artist at a certain ratio discussed with the sponsors .

  5. 他表示,他的进口家居饰品和旅游纪念品销售状况不佳,1月份,棉质T恤衫的成本上涨了25%。

    He says his imported home decorations and tourist souvenirs are not yet selling well , and his cost for cotton T-shirts has risen 25 percent since January .

  6. 展品范围包括家庭用品类、家居饰品类、休闲用品、旅游及运动用品、厨房用品、美容保健产品、礼品、赠品、珠宝及时尚饰品等。

    Exhibits Profile : Home Decorations , Household Products , Sporting Leisure Travel Goods , Kitchen Products , Beauty Health Products , Premiums , Jewelry Fashion Accessories , Home Textiles , etc.

  7. 我公司是一家集产、供、销一条龙的实体企业,主要产品有铁艺家居饰品及日用陶瓷、咖啡杯碟、茶具等。

    Our company is an industry company integrated with production supply and sale , mainly produce arts & crafts metal home decorations , daily-used porcelain , coffee sets and tea sets etc.

  8. 产品主要为:卫浴建材,家居饰品,酒店用品,礼品赠品,装饰建材几大系列,我们的品质优良,服务一流!

    The major products are : native building materials , home accessories , hotel supplies , gifts and premium , a series of several decorative materials , the high quality , first-class service !

  9. 据预测,2010年的装饰市场产值将首次突破2万亿,同时装饰产业的快速发展,带动了建筑材料、家居饰品等多个行业的发展。

    It is predicted that by 2010 the market value will be the first breakthrough 2 trillion in decoration . It has contributed to building materials , home accessories and many other industries with the rapid development of decoration industry .

  10. 家居、饰品、墙纸、窗饰配件、遮阳产品等大家居范畴的展览题材已成规模,成为本届展会新的亮点。

    There are new bright spots for the home furnishing , wallpaper , curtain accessories , ornaments and sunshade products as they have come to a considerable scale .

  11. 使用BedBathBeyond(美国一家主营家居用品及饰品的连锁零售商)的20%折扣优惠券时,这个小工具的价格是40美元&谁知道呢?

    With a 20-percent off coupon from Bed Bath Beyond , this tool costs $ 40 and & who knows ?

  12. 使用BedBath&Beyond(美国一家主营家居用品及饰品的连锁零售商)的20%折扣优惠券时,这个小工具的价格是40美元——谁知道呢?——

    With a 20-percent off coupon from Bed Bath & Beyond , this tool costs $ 40 and - who knows ? -

  13. 高宝家居店以销售家居饰品为主。

    Gaobao-home sales shop to home-based jewelry .