
  1. 南京东路家居文化街,重点建成文化用品、品牌家居经销为主的特色街;

    Residential Culture Street on Nanjing Road ( E ) is the characteristic street focused on cultural commodities and distribution of brand residence .

  2. 让我们更好地享受软装饰带来的个性之美、人性之美,使它真正成为家居文化中一种对昔日文化辉煌的承载,一种对精致生活的演绎。

    Allow us to better enjoy the soft furnishings to bring the beauty of individuality , the beauty of human nature , it truly becomes a kind of home culture , culture and spirit of the old bearing , a kind of delicate interpretation of life .

  3. 公司长期以来一直致力于东西方家居花园文化的融合与交流。

    Company has long been committed to the East-West cultural integration and home garden exchanges .

  4. 传统中式家居设计的文化内涵

    On the Cultural Connotation Of Traditional Chinese-style House Design

  5. 家居装饰设计文化不是孤立的,而是社会文化的一个组成部分。

    It is not isolated that house resides to decorate to design the culture , and she is a society culture of a constitute the part .

  6. 陶艺家居饰品的文化演变和设计探索陶艺家在两地的创作作品可按适当比例取回。

    Culture Evolution and Design Exploration of Ceramic House Decoration ; Works being done can be owned by the artist at a certain ratio discussed with the sponsors .

  7. 家居空间环境中文化创意与设计风格的探讨

    Cultural Creativity and Design Style in Indoor Space Environment

  8. 结果与结论:营养状况好、家居环境好、文化程度高、有专人操作的持续性不卧床腹膜透析患者不易发生感染性腹膜炎;

    RESULTS AND CONCLUSION : Those patients with good nutrition situation , higher culture background , better domestic environment , and operating by special person had low chances to infect peritonitis .

  9. 最后就社会文化、信息技术、生活方式以及家居装饰设计理念的发展态势做出分析与评估,并提出有关家居装饰设计审美文化未来发展的建议。

    At the end of the thesis , an analysis and evaluation is made about the coming trends of the social culture , information technology , life style and the idea of aesthetic culture in home interior design , and the author also makes a suggestion on the future developing .