
  • 网络Family Day;Family Festival
  1. 身着军装的小狗参加在哥伦比亚卡利举行的家庭宠物节。

    A dog dressed in military fatigues participates in the Family Pet Festival in Cali , Colombia .

  2. 这一天是圣诞节,尼德?兰似乎很后悔不能过节,因为圣诞节是基督教徒所热爱的家庭团聚节。

    That day it was yuletide , and it struck me that Ned Land badly missed celebrating " Christmas , " that genuine family holiday where Protestants are such zealots .

  3. 照亮你的心灵和家庭。光明节快乐。

    Illuminate both your heart and your home . Happy Hanukkah .

  4. 他出生于犹大支派的一个贵胄家庭(3节),不单长得英俊不凡,而且还才智聪敏。

    He had probably been a prince of the house of Judah ( v.3 ) . He was good looking and intelligent .

  5. 愿您的家庭在宽扎文化节人丁兴旺

    May your home be full of family at Kwanzaa

  6. 每个享用自助餐的家庭将获得父亲节自助餐优惠券一张;

    One Father 's Day buffet coupon to be given away to every family .