
fánɡ chē
  • motor home;limousine;limousine;limo;Winnebago
  1. 我要坐房车去参加晚会!

    I 'm going to a party in a limo !

  2. 埃文河决堤的时候,有5对夫妇被困在了他们的房车里。

    Five couples were marooned in their caravans when the River Avon broke its banks .

  3. 他驾房车外出游玩去了。

    He was on a caravanning holiday .

  4. 他们正开着房车在新英格兰旅行。

    They are touring in New England with a caravan .

  5. 我们居住的房车可舒舒服服地睡六个人。

    Our caravan sleeps six in comfort .

  6. 比如说,他从没考察过设在印第安纳州的房车制造商ForestRiver。

    He 's never visited Forest River , the Indiana-based recreational vehicle manufacturer that Berkshire owns , for example .

  7. 房车也旧貌换新颜,宝马式的C柱肌肉带给他优雅的侧面形状。

    The sedan also receives the new face and its profile is now graced with a BMW-esque kink in its C-pillar .

  8. 一位家在得克萨斯州,因为需要通勤而住在E号停车场中的一辆房车里的飞行员说,房车只是“一个归所和为工作做准备的地方”。

    One pilot who lives in Texas and commutes to a trailer in Lot E says the camper is simply'a place to come and get ready for work .

  9. 在1912年,一辆雪佛兰(Chevrolet)六缸房车的生产成本为2150美元;

    Chevrolet six-cylinder touring car cost $ 2,150 in1912 ;

  10. 泰勒·摩森当晚还是以一身她最喜欢的黑色性感绷带紧身短裙亮相,深情演绎她的最新单曲《LightMeUp》据悉,泰勒·摩森很潇洒,舍弃了《绯闻女孩》剧组配备给演员的高级房车,宁肯每天睡大巴,为演唱会全力筹备。

    In one of her favourite barely there bondage and lingerie inspired outfits , the young singer took to the stage to perform an hour long set of songs from her band 's newly released album , Light Me Up .

  11. 这样一款超级豪华轿车就诞生了,它足有20英尺长,看起来就像一辆Airstream牌房车。

    A top-of-the-line auto was born : more than 20 feet long with all the grace of an airstream Trailer .

  12. 本文从分析我国发展房车旅游的优势与劣势、机遇与威胁入手,运用SWOT分析方法得出了我国发展房车旅游的一些对策性建议。

    From the analysis of the development of RV travel the advantages and disadvantages , opportunities and threats to start using the SWOT analysis of the development of RV obtained some solutions of tourism proposals .

  13. 西雅图KOMO新闻报道,着火时没有人在房车里,估计是烘干机问题导致了火灾。

    According to KOMO News in Seattle , there were no people inside the mobile home during the fire , which is thought to have been caused by a faulty clothes dryer .

  14. 。他们会跟提供豪华房车、发电机或者帐篷的人交谈。我们必须提前四五天设置保安。”——安德烈娅·科雷亚莱(AndreaCorreale),纽约高雅活动承办公司(ElegantAffairsCaterers)

    s. And they don 't just show up the day of . They 'll be talking to people who provide luxury trailers , the generators , it could be the tenting company . We have to plant security four or five days in advance . " - Andrea Correale , Elegant Affairs Caterers , New York .

  15. 据美国房车工业协会(RVIA,一家贸易集团)透露,去年批发供货量比2010年提高了5%,预计今年再涨7%。

    According to the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association ( RVIA ), a trade group , wholesale shipments have increased 5 % over 2010 and are expected to grow another 7 % by the end of the year .

  16. 同时,休闲车的销售额也有所上涨。据美国房车工业协会(RVIA,一家贸易集团)透露,去年批发供货量比2010年提高了5%,预计今年再涨7%。

    RV sales are up , too . According to the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association ( RVIA ) , a trade group , wholesale shipments have increased 5 % over 2010 and are expected to grow another 7 % by the end of the year .

  17. 让所有人离开那辆红色房车!

    I want everyone to move away from the red van !

  18. 在拍摄期间你的房车里都放什么东西?

    What'essential items'do you always have in your trailer during filming ?

  19. 你会搞到房车的,别担心。

    Y ou 'll have your caravan . don 't worry .

  20. 我要想办法回房车里去。

    I 'll try and make it back to the rv .

  21. 他们为周游欧洲而买了辆旅行房车。

    They 've bought a motor caravan to go touring aronud europe .

  22. 黑色房车,后窗被打烂了。

    Black Monte Carlo there , back windows shot out .

  23. 只用提防被房车堵在风景如画的山路之中就够了。

    Just beware getting stuck behind one on a picturesque mountain road .

  24. A企业房车项目未来收益的获得需要一个有效的、良好的发展战略来支撑。

    The enterprise needs an effective strategy to obtain the anticipated revenue .

  25. 卧云北北喜欢的是高级房车不是便宜的货车。

    Cloudman likes high class cars , not cheap trucks .

  26. 他是一个窝在房车里的自由主义瘾君子

    He 's a libertarian drug fiend marinating in a mobile home .

  27. 他从可可海滩一路开着房车过来的

    He drove his R.V. all the way up from Cocoa Beach .

  28. 这段时间你都躲在房车里吗?

    Where you hidingin the RV the whole time ?

  29. 房车;休闲车;露营车;房车旅游;

    Recreation vehicle ; Camping vehicle ; RV tourism ;

  30. 我们在找黑色宾士和林肯房车。

    We 're looking for a black Mercedes and a black Lincoln continental .