
  • 网络Furniture Product Design;Furniture and Product Design
  1. 此系统模拟真实设计活动,辅助设计人员完成板式家具产品设计,并很好的实现了与CAPP、CAM、ERP等其他系统的集成,具有一定的理论意义和重要的实际意义。

    This system simulates the real design activity , can aid designer to finish plank furniture design , and integrates effectively other system such as CAPP , CAM , ERP etc.

  2. 绿色家具产品设计概念的创新研究

    The innovative research on the concepts of the green furniture product design

  3. 以人为本&家具产品设计中的功能形态设计

    Human Oriented & The functional forms of furniture design

  4. 家具产品设计标准化与生产效率的研究

    The Research on Furniture Design Standardization and Production Efficiency

  5. 松木家具产品设计技术

    The Design of Pine Wood Furniture Products

  6. 家具产品设计过程中的质量管理

    Quality Control in Furniture Design Process

  7. 浅谈家具产品设计

    Products The Thoughts Of Furniture Design

  8. 木材的肌理特征作为一个基本的外观因素在木家具产品设计中发挥着极其重要的作用。

    As a basic apparent element , the wood texture plays an important role in wooden furniture design .

  9. 本文以经典营销理论的框架为脉络,分别论述了市场营销环境、消费者需求、市场细分与定位,以及营销组合与家具产品设计的关系。

    Referencing the frame of classical marketing theory , the author discussed the relationship between furniture products design and the marketing environment , consumer demand , product position , and 4Ps respectively .

  10. 分析了绿色家具产品设计的内函、特点及国内外当前绿色家具产品设计的实际水平,及对绿色材料设计和人性化设计的设计概念进行了论述;

    Moreover , it expounds the design concepts of the green material design and the humanization design , and analyzes the importance of the green material design and the humanization design in the green furniture product design .

  11. 家具企业产品设计质量管理的研究

    The Research on the Product Design Quality Management of Furniture Enterprises

  12. 家具产品形象设计初探

    Tentative Discussion about the Image Design of Furniture Products

  13. 因此对于老年人家具产品的设计,我们要研究老年人的心理、生理、老年市场等方面的内容,设计出适合老年人需求的家具产品。

    Better furniture design for the aged requires good studies on their physical and mental needs and the market as a whole .

  14. 本研究试图将层次分析法(AHP)运用到家具产品概念性设计的评价与决策中。

    The Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) was used in evaluation & decision of furniture product conceptive design .

  15. 介绍了ASI技术及设计方法,提出了基于ASI技术的CAD/CAPP集成框架,以及家具产品参数化设计、CAD/CAPP集成应用和产品BOM生成的方法。

    This paper discuss the technology of ASI and it 's design method , and pointed out integration frame of CAD / CAPP , the method of furniture product parametric design , the integration application of CAD / CAPP , and the building of product BOM .

  16. 基于层次分析法的家具产品概念性设计评价体系研究

    A Study of AHP - Based Furniture Conceptive Design Evaluation System

  17. 产品设计策划的缺失&家具企业在产品设计话动中的一个问题

    Missing of Product Design Scheme & A Problem in Furniture Product Design Activities of Enterprises

  18. 座椅产品是人们日常生活中必不可少的家具,座椅产品设计是家具设计中一个重要的研究方向。

    Chairs are essential furniture in our daily life and chairs design is an important research aspect of furniture design .

  19. 外资设计公司在内地提供的服务,以礼品与赠品、家具和电器产品设计最受欢迎。

    The use of foreign services is found to be most popular in designing gifts and premium , furniture and electrical appliance products .

  20. 结合设计实践和实例,提出了竹集成材家具新产品的设计方法和开发途径,以供家具生产企业参考应用。

    Based on design practice and instance , the design methods of the exploiting and developing new product of the new-type glued laminated bamboo furniture have been presented to offer manufacturing enterprise of the furniture the reference and application .

  21. 支持家具产品网络化协同设计的数据管理技术研究

    Study on Data Management Technology for Furniture Product Networked Cooperative Design

  22. 家具产品中的情趣设计

    Design of furniture in good taste

  23. 承接国内外酒店、宾馆、别墅以及总裁办公室木制家具的订单、产品设计开发及客户服务。

    We deal in the business of developing and handling the project of real wood facility for the hotel , the villa and the GM office .

  24. 经过多年的努力,在家具及家居产品的设计与研究上取得了一定的开拓性的成效,得到国内社会与高校设计界的一致好评。

    After many years hard work , the pioneering outcomes have been achieved in furniture and houseware design and research , appreciative comments come from domestic world and counterparts .

  25. 由此本课题以椅子的设计为研究方向,期望通过此课题的研究能够对我国椅子设计领域理论研究深入有所裨益,并对我国家具企业椅子产品的设计开发有所帮助。

    So this subject researches the design of the chair , so to further the theoretical study of our country 's chair design and help for chair 's developing of the furniture enterprises .

  26. 继而,从建筑革命出发,又影响到城市规划设计、环境设计、家具设计、工业产品设计、平面设计和传达设计等,形成真正完整的现代主义设计运动。

    Then , proceed from revolution of the building and influence the planning and design , environment design , furniture design , industrial product design , planar design in the city and transmit designing etc. again , form really intact modernism and design sports .

  27. 家具板材优化排料,是家具在产品设计、制造和使用过程中如何节约人造板材、优化利用资源的问题,有重要经济意义和社会效益。

    The Cutting Stock Problem in furniture manufacture is concerned about how to save materials , optimize resources in the design , manufacture and use of product . The research on the problem has important economic significances and social benefits .