
zǎi xiàng
  • prime minister;prime minister (in feudal China);chancellor
宰相 [zǎi xiàng]
  • [prime minister (in feudal China)] 辅助帝王掌管国事的最高官员的通称

  • 此为宰相听事诚隘。(听事,即厅事,大厅;处理公事,接待宾客的厅堂。)。--宋. 司马光《训俭示康》

  • 实宰相之职也。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

宰相[zǎi xiàng]
  1. 宰相晏子对他说:

    His prime minister Yan Zi said to him :

  2. 从前,有个宰相的孙子是有名的败家子。

    In the past , the grandson of a prime minister was a notorious spendthrift .

  3. 鲁国宰相公仪休非常爱吃鱼,得知他这一嗜好的鲁国人纷纷拎着鱼,送到他家来。

    Gong Yixiu , the prime minister of the state of Lu , was very foud of fish . The people of Lu who knew his addiction1 all came to his home bringing him fish .

  4. 那人不服气,翻翻白眼说:“你怎么能怪我,我并不是穷人出身,我也是宰相的孙子呢!”

    Unwilling2 to give in , the poor man glared and retorted : " How can you blame me ? I am not from a poor family . I am the grandson of a prime minister , too . "

  5. 他就埋怨说:“我是宰相的孙子,手不能提,肩不能挑,那是常事。你是穷人出身,为什么也这样不中用呢?”

    The grandson complained : " I am the grandson of a prime minister . It is natural that I can neither lift with my hands nor carry on my shoulder anything heavy . But you are from a poor family . Why are you also so useless ? "

  6. 在陶顿战役之后9天寄出的一封信中,时任英国宰相乔治内维尔(georgeneville)写道,28000人在战役中丧生,这与爱德华寄给其母的信中的数字一致。

    In a letter sent nine days after the battle George Neville , the then Chancellor of England , wrote that 28000 men died that day , a figure in accord with a letter sent by Edward to his mother .

  7. 略论先秦宰相制度的起源

    On the Origin of the Councilor System during the Pre-Qin Period

  8. 于是,国王决定处死宰相。

    So the king decided to put the minister to death .

  9. 关于五代宰相制度的若干问题

    A Probe into the Prime Minister System of the Five Dynasties

  10. 启禀皇上没有宰相的空缺

    There are no council positions open , Your Majesty .

  11. 后来这个孩子中了状元,当了明朝的宰相。

    And he became Prime Minster during the Ming Dynasty .

  12. 前任宰相的精神还在这个宫殿里。

    The spirit of the former daimoy is still in this palace .

  13. 明初,朱元璋废除了行逾千年的宰相制度。

    In the beginning of Ming Dynasty , Zhu Yuanzhang abolished premier system .

  14. 五代宰相制度考

    The Research of Prime Minister System in Five Dynasties

  15. 宰相起与洲县,猛将出于卒伍。

    Island county , starting with the prime minister , Reggie out zuwu .

  16. 法老在约瑟30岁时立他作埃及的宰相。

    Joseph was30 years old when the Pharaoh made him second in Charge .

  17. 这么说,我们要看一座宰相府了。

    So we are going to visit the residence of a former prime minister .

  18. 第五章为宰相群体与孝宗朝的对内政治。

    Chapter 5 concentrates on between the prime minister group and the inner politics .

  19. 北宋太平宰相晏殊的诗学思想

    Prime Minister Yan Shu 's Thoughts on Poetics

  20. 宰相这样的反应,就表示孔子、墨翟都是尊贵的象征。

    Response of the minister means that Confucius and Modi are symbols of nobility .

  21. 找个宰相的位子给这位女子。

    See to it that this woman is made a member of my council .

  22. 你必作以色列的王,我也作你的宰相。

    You will be king over Israel , and I will be second to you .

  23. 虽然将军是你父亲可我是皇上身边的宰相

    The general may be your father , but I am the emperor 's counsel .

  24. 三天期限很快就过去了,可宰相却一点线索也没有。

    Soon three days had passed , but the minister had no clue at all .

  25. 皇帝则通过或是越过宰相、枢密院集议,直接以内降手诏任命三衙;

    The emperor can directly issue an imperial edict to appoint the officials of Three Courts ;

  26. 这傅说在当宰相之前,就是一名做苦役的奴隶。

    Before Fu Yue became a prime minister , he was a slave doing menial work .

  27. 这里啊曾经居住过商王武丁和他的宰相傅说。

    King Wuding of the Shang Dynasty once lived here with his Prime Minister Fu Yue .

  28. 宰相我想知道你离开我到底能不能活。

    Whether you could be alive , I want to know , if you leave me ?

  29. 区域文化发达程度对宰相籍贯分布起着重要的制约作用。

    Thirdly , the development degree of regional culture plays an important restrictive role to the distribution .

  30. 作为秦国宰相的商鞅试图要将这一理论付诸实践。

    Shang Yang , as prime minister of Chin , attempted to put this theory into practice .