
  1. 会有客来。

    A visitor happened to come by .

  2. 好酒不用挂招牌,酒香自会招客来。

    Good wine needs no Bush , and its sweet smell alone attracts guests .

  3. 货好客自来,是本店几十年的经验。好酒不用挂招牌,酒香自会招客来。

    Our shop 's decades ' experience shows that quality goods need no advertisement .

  4. 现在整个瓷器行业都在试图找寻一条道路使得瓷器更为时尚和生活化,这也是客来的产品理念。

    The entire trade , including KAHLA , is seeking to produce cutting-edge and closer-to-life products .

  5. 办房可以根据客来图或客来样做办。

    Further , our sample house can make samples for you accordingly to the diagram or samples .

  6. 客来瓷器向消费者传达的是一种热情,对生活、对瓷器的热情。

    It is passion that KAHLA strives to deliver to consumers , a passion for life and for porcelain .

  7. 天客来集团,是一家集房地产开发、物业、物流、高科技、茶叶生产销售为一体的多元化发展的民营集团公司。

    Tiankelai Group company is a civil-operated company , which operate Real estate business , Property , Logistics , High-tech , tea Production and sales .

  8. 重点是要改变你的生活方式,看你怎么过日子。从怎么吃、怎么运动,到一旦你离开这里之后要怎么生活。这些都是顾客需要的,而他们对此感到很满意,有60%是回头客来调整他们的生活。

    It 's about changing your lifestyle , how you live , from what you eat to how you exercise , to how you live your life once you leave-which is pretty much what the clients want , and they 're happy clients . Sixty percent are return customers tuning Up their lives .

  9. 自然主义三大罪状客观看来正是它基本可取的特征。

    The three indictments of naturalism are exactly its basically desirable characteristics .

  10. 这是一个名副其实的“盖好楼(广告)了,不愁客不来”社交网络广告的世道!

    A veritable " If you build it , they will come " moment for social advertising .

  11. 与北京的众多餐馆不同,滇客滇来的特色菜是海鲜,尤其是薄荷色拉配龙虾以及香茅草烤三文鱼。

    Unusually for a Beijing restaurant , Dianke Dianlai 's highlights are seafood , particularly the lobster with mint salad and salmon roasted on a bamboo stick .

  12. 弗兰克·斯莱德上校:额,那么你介意我们跟你一起等吗?你知道,额,仅仅为了不让皮条客们来骚扰你。

    Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade : Well , would you mind if we 're waiting with you ? You know , just , er , keep the womanizers from bothering you .

  13. 正因其山色秀丽,传说这里是神灵之宅,历史上众多的道客羽士来隐居修持,故而被誉为中国道教的“洞天福地”。

    For its enchanting scenery and the legend of home of gods , many Taoists and hermits came to cultivate , so Wudang Mountain was regarded as the origin place of China Taoism .

  14. 客人们陆续来了。

    The guests came one after another .

  15. 革辣尔王阿彼默肋客于是派人来取了撒辣去。

    So Abimelech the king of Gerara sent , and took her .

  16. 代客写信!来写信喔!

    We write letters ! Get your letters written here !

  17. 客去客来日日,花开花落年年。

    Everyday guests come and go , every year flowers bloom and wilt .

  18. 通常都是皮条客跟牧师来这逛。

    We usually just sell to pimps and pastors .

  19. 但客人们不是来这里购买化妆品或塑料厨房容器的。

    But the guests had not come to buy cosmetics or plastic kitchen containers .

  20. 一会儿客人们就来了。

    The guests will be arriving soon .

  21. 我们不喜欢外客上这儿来,替我们管理事务。

    And we do not like outsiders to come in and manage our affairs for us .

  22. 没想到,客人们已经来办公室预订了。

    Surprisingly , customers have already begun to come into the office and book their holidays .

  23. 当时喝得酩酊大醉的饮客还留下来,睡在靠椅上和地板上,梦着苏格拉底这个真正爱情至上论者。

    while behind him on the benches and on the floor his sleepy companions go on dreaming of Socrates , the true lover .

  24. 借名生财是可能的,例如,香港有“金庸饭店”,果然客似云来;

    By name to make money is possible , for example , Hong Kong ," Jin Yong Hotel ," Sure enough passengers may wish to cloud ;

  25. 香港居民抱怨称,很多内地游客都是水货客,他们来香港以低价购买商品,然后在内地以更高价格转卖。

    Hong Kong residents complain that many of the visitors are parallel traders who come to the territory to buy goods cheaply and then resell them at a higher price on the mainland .

  26. 我们提供客制化服务来满足您的需求。

    We offer customized service to suit your needs .

  27. 我希望客人们能留下来,但他们不得不在星期六以前离开。

    I hoped our guests would stay but they had to check out before saturday .

  28. 客人们成双成对地来了。

    The guests came in couples .

  29. 欢迎商客提供图纸,来样共同开发设计,给汽车用品提供良好的时尚。

    Any processing is welcome according to customer 's drawing sheets and samples to give a car a better fashion .

  30. 但基于最成功影客教主的定价来算,现在她单是来自广告的收入就可以达到每年数十万英镑。

    But , based on the rates commanded by the most successful vloggers , her income from advertising alone could now be running at a rate of several hundred thousand pounds a year .