
  • 网络Laboratory equipment;Lab Instruments
  1. 新实验室装备有先进的设备。

    The new labs are equipped with advanced equipment .

  2. 的实验室装备。

    Our laboratory is well equipped .

  3. 如何适应实验室装备快速发展的形势,切实加强实验仪器设备的管理,提高实验仪器设备管理水平,现已成为高校教学科研仪器设备管理工作者值得深思和积极应对的课题。

    It has become a research topic for the staffs in this field to think about how to strengthen the management earnestly and improve its standard so as to keep pace with the rapid development of the laboratory equipments .

  4. 通过实验室装备招标采购的工作实践,介绍实验室建设目标、前期准备、招标评标、质量监控等工作的体会。

    Through the working practice of inviting bids for procuring laboratory equipments , this article introduced the experience about the goal of constructing laboratory , the fore-period preparation , inviting bids and evaluating the bids , the control of quality etc.

  5. 学习仪器配备目录搞好实验室的装备工作

    Studying Apparatus Preparation List to Do well the Equipment Work of Lab

  6. 医学实验室技术装备相关的生物安全问题

    Medical Laboratory Device - related Biosafety

  7. 通过仿真实验室进行装备保障研究,是提高综合装备保障能力重要途径。

    It is an important approach of improving integrative equipment support capability to research the equipment support by virtue of simulation laboratory .

  8. 本课题来源于国家211工程重点建设项目,最终在实验室内装备一台升力控制减摇鳍实验装置。

    This task is the core constructive item of national " 211 project " . The ultimate result is to equip lift-feedback fin stabilizer experiment equipment in laboratory .

  9. 分析了食品安全检验发展趋势,对食品安全检验实验室仪器装备的现状和存在的问题,以及食品安全实验室仪器装备配置规范化的意义进行了论述。

    The authors analyze the trend of development of food safety inspecting , describe a actuality and existent problems of instrument equipping in chinese laboratorys of food safety inspecting . The significance on standardization of Instruments equipping for the laboratory of food safety inspecting is discussed .

  10. 通过借鉴美军作战实验室在武器装备发展和战斗力提高的巨大作用和影响,提出了构建完善的作战实验室体系,创新发展武器装备手段;

    American Campaign-Labs have played a great role in armament development and operational effectiveness improvement .

  11. 茶学专业教学实验室设计及装备标准的研究Ⅱ.实验室装备

    Design and equipment of teaching laboratory for tea speciality ⅱ . equipment of teaching laboratory

  12. 实验室配置了全新装备。

    The laboratory has been newly equipped .

  13. 主要介绍了防护服型BSL-4实验室的个人防护装备系统及相关的技术要求。

    In this paper , individual protective equipment and correlative technical requirements for BSL-4 laboratories are introduced .

  14. 关于生物安全实验室强制配套安全装备的探讨

    Discussion on Compulsory Matching Security Equipment of Biosafety Laboratory