
  1. 陆九渊六经注我的生命实践诠释学

    Notation to Lu Jiuyuan 's Life Practice of " My Six Notation to Classics " The Study of Six Scriptures

  2. 事实上,俞先生的认定是在“生存论”的本质特性基础之上的,马克思的“实践诠释学”也被限定在“生存”境域之内。

    Yu affiliates those all basis on the existential characteristic , Marxian practical hermeneutics is also set a limit to existential condition .

  3. 马克思的实践诠释学不仅为我们认识教学理解与教学实践活动的关系提供了理论指导,而且为我们正确地解决教学理解的理论问题,构建教学理解的理论框架提供了一把钥匙。

    The Marxist practical hermeneutics provides us with not only theoretical direction for recognizing the relationship between instructional understanding and instructional practice , but also a key , for instructional understanding , to correctly resolving theoretical problem and construct theoretical framework .

  4. 马克思实践哲学的诠释学维度

    On Hermeneutical Dimensions of Marxist Practice Philosophy

  5. 第三次转向是从单纯作为本体论哲学的诠释学到作为实践哲学的诠释学的转向。

    Finally , from hermeneutics only as ontological philosophy to hermeneutics as philosophy of practice .