
  • 网络Practice Has Proved That
  1. 实践证明该IP核能够有效的纠正24比特以内的数据。

    Practice has proved that the IP core can correct data within 24 bits effectively .

  2. 实践证明双XML模式异构数据库交换不仅可以达到数据交换的目标,而且在某些条件下还可以取得很好的应用效果。

    Practice has proved that it can not only achieve the exchange of goals , but also obtain good results in certain condition .

  3. 实践证明:脉动燃烧控制对象是带延迟的一阶惯性环节,因此对控制对象采用常规的PID控制策略完全可行。

    The furnace is an inertial system with delay , so PID control can be used .

  4. 经实践证明,应用在高速测量、CCD图像采集系统中处理效果良好。

    With practice , the effect is finer apply the system to high-speed measure and system of acquiring CCD framing .

  5. 实践证明吹塑法生产盐用PVC薄膜技术可行,完全能满足盐业生产的需要。

    The results show that PVC film can be manufactured by blowing method , and it is satisfied with the salt prodution needs .

  6. 通过实践证明,FPGA在信道编解码方面有其独特的优势,在数字信号处理方面值得更深入地研究和应用。

    Practice proves that FPGA has superiority on channel encoding and decoding and deserves to be studied more deeply and applied to digital signal process .

  7. 实践证明,灰色预测模型GM(1,1)在沉降预测中具有较高的应用价值。

    The example proves that the gray forecasting model GM ( 1,1 ) has high usable value in settlement forecast of high building .

  8. 实践证明,Rough集理论作为一种处理模糊和不确定性问题的有效工具,对于时间序列数据的挖掘同样也是有效的。

    Practice proves that rough set theory , as an effective tool to deal with vagueness and uncertainty , is also effective to the time series data mining .

  9. 实践证明,利用RS、GIS和USLE技术进行土壤侵蚀监测与预测是可行的和高效的。

    The results showed that the application of GIS , RS and USLE in inspecting and predicating soil erosion is feasible and efficient .

  10. 实践证明,SNMP能与802.1x系统实现无缝连接,并对其进行有效管理。

    Practices prove that SNMP has a seamless connection to 802.1x system and can efficiently manage the system .

  11. 实践证明,运用Witness仿真技术与6σ管理工具相结合的方法实施6σ管理,可以达到6σ管理的预期实施目标,是企业提高质量水平的有效途径。

    Practice has proved it is an effective method for improving the quality level of the enterprise to combine Witness simulation technology and 6 σ management tools together .

  12. 几年的运行实践证明,密闭式循环水冷却系统可有效地散发SVC装置所产生的热量,保证装置的正常运行。

    The performance of the system proved that the full-closed circulating water-cooling system can provide a well heat-dissipating condition for the SVC .

  13. 另一方面,ICA已经逐渐被应用于EEG信号中的伪迹去除,实践证明其能有效的解决应用传统方法产生的一系列问题。

    On the other hand , ICA is gradually applied to removal of artifacts in EEG and has resolved many problems resulted from traditional method in practical use .

  14. 实践证明它有利于提高服装纸样CAD软件的专业化水平,开创了适合于我国国情的专业化推广与应用的新途径。

    It has been proved that it is helpful to improve the special level of garment pattern CAD and it created a new way to popularize and apply , which adapts to the condition of our country .

  15. 虽然实践证明基于源端的TCP拥塞控制机制能够有效防止拥塞崩溃地发生,但是TCP拥塞控制机制仍然面临着许多新的危机。

    The success of Internet has already proven that TCP congestion control mechanism based on source nodes is effective in the prevention of congestion collapse , while it also faces many new crises .

  16. 采用基于PowerPoint的多媒体教学实践证明了本文提出的教学改革方法的有效性。

    The validity of teaching reform method proposed in this paper is proved by the teaching practice with the aid of PowerPoint multimedia .

  17. 长达5年的教学实践证明,EDA技术的确是实现电工学研究型教学的一种极其有效的手段。

    The teaching experience in past 5 years proves that the EDA technology is truly an effective approach for realizing the research-type education in electrical engineering course .

  18. 理论与实践证明,构建基于Internet的船舶机舱远程监测系统,紧跟现代船舶技术发展步伐,进行船载监控系统同岸基管理系统的互连与数据共享的研究,符合船岸管控一体化的发展趋势。

    Proved by theory and application , the construction of Internet-based Remote Monitoring System of Marine Engine Room is a advanced technology , which interlink the monitoring system onboard and the management system onshore . This is also the trend of shore-board integration .

  19. 美国ElPaso冶炼厂自1993年开始应用该技术,生产实践证明Contop工艺已经成熟。

    The process has been utilized in El Paso USA since 1993 and is verified that it comes to mature .

  20. 实践证明,PKI理论和技术在解决网络安全问题中具有很好的科学性,但目前的PKI体系都是针对传统固定网络而设计的,很难直接应用于adhoc网络。

    Actually , PKI theories and techniques are very scientific in solving the network security . But the current PKI system is designed for traditional immobile network , and can hardly be applied in ad hoc network directly .

  21. 实践证明,GPS定位技术确定的悬索桥索塔、锚锭、连续刚构桥主墩和西岸引桥高墩的平面和高程点位误差和相对点位误差均满足桥梁施工规范要求。

    Practice proves that the layout precisions of the cable support towers and anchorages of the suspension bridge , the main piers of the continuous rigid frame bridge , and the piers of the west approach bridge are fulfilled to the bridge construction specifications .

  22. 实践证明,该方法简单、高效,并可推广至基于PVM环境的并行应用软件系统的移植工作中。

    By practicing , this method is simple and effective . It can be extended to the porting job of the parallel application software system based on the PVM environment .

  23. 实践证明以折线代替曲线进行支架布置方法是合理的,最终成桥相邻两块混凝土表面高差均小于2cm。

    It is concluded that the layout method using broken line instead of curve is reasonable with the altitude difference of concrete surfaces in two centimeters .

  24. 现场实践证明,本文提出的DCS上位站技术改进设计思想和整体方案是成功的,使系统整体功能得到进一步增强,运行成本进一步降低。

    The on-the-spot practice proves that design philosophy and whole scheme on DCS that the paper offers to DCS epigynous station technology improved is successful , it strengthens the whole function of the systems , and reduces the cost of operation further .

  25. 实践证明,用Wyllie公式计算合流体砂岩的孔隙度是行之有效的方法。

    Practice proves the feasibility of calculating the porosity of fluid-filled sand - stone by Wyllie formula .

  26. 实践证明:此算法得到了很好的应用,实现了在线检测器件的注册码,该算法适用于任何具有1-Wire接口特性单总线器件。

    The practice shows that the algorithm is well applied and online detection of registry code of components is implemented , the algorithm is suitable for any 1-wire characteristic component .

  27. 实践证明,供应商管理库存(VMI)是一种先进的供应链库存管理模式,它能有效地降低库存,减少成本,改善缺货,提高服务水平。

    Practice shows that Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ) is an advanced supply chain inventory management model , it can effectively decline inventory , reduce cost , improve to be out of stock and raise service levels .

  28. 批量生产实践证明,单个电流为20A左右,电镀时间20min时,产品质量满足要求。

    The practice of mass production proves that when the single current is 20 A and the plating time is 20 min , the product quality is satisfactory .

  29. 实践证明,采取这些措施后,195T活塞的铸造成品率在90%以上,提出的措施是可行的。

    The product yield of 195T piston can reach up to 90 % by using above mentioned countermeasures in practice .

  30. 实践证明,TC77具有测温精度高、低功耗、宽工作电压,连接及编程简单等特点。

    We know TC77 has such features as high resolution , low power , broad operation voltage , easy interfacing and programming .