
  1. 在基础教育中,实施科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、社会(Society)(缩写为STS)教育贯通与有机结合,是培养未来人才的必然要求。

    In basic education , to have science , technology and society education well versed and combined together is the necessary requirement for training talented person in future .

  2. 同时也是贯彻实施科学的HSE管理方法的有效手段。

    It is also an effective measure to implement the scientific HSE managerial approach .

  3. 1998-2006年为稳步上升期,我国实施科学发展战略,GDP质量内部指标得到改善,并有继续上升的趋势。

    From 1998 to 2006 was a rising steadily period , China carried out scientific development strategy caused the internal indicators of GDP Quality improved and will continue to rise .

  4. 中国企业投资越南基础设施TOT项目,必须全盘考虑项目中的风险问题,实施科学的风险管理,才能保证项目实施的成功。

    When Chinese enterprises invest in TOT projects of Vietnamese infrastructure , they must take overall consideration on the risk question in the project and scientifically manage the risks , through which they could guarantee the success of project implementation .

  5. 我省公路管理部门也先后引进了路面管理系统(CPMS)和桥梁管理系统(CBMS),极大地改变了公路部门的管理水平和管理方式,为实施科学的养护决策奠定了坚实的基础。

    The administrative department of highway of our province has successively introduced the Computer Pave Management System ( CPMS ) and Computer Bridge Management System ( CBMS ), it has changed the management level of the highway department greatly and has settled solid foundation for implementing scientific maintenance decision .

  6. 实施科学的质量安全管理体系;

    The implementation of scientific quality and safety administration system ;

  7. 谈谈高等教育与贯彻实施科学发展观

    On Higher Education and the Implementation of the Scientific Concept of Development

  8. 现代大学教育既需要实施科学教育,也需要进行人文教育。

    Modern universities need both humanistic education and scientific education .

  9. 讨论了实施科学探究教学的途径和方法。

    It also discusses the ways and methods of doing science research teaching .

  10. 准确把握和实施科学发展观

    Accurately Understand and Enforce Scientific Development Concept Ill Science

  11. 第三章是实施科学方法教育的途径。

    The third chapter is about how to implement the scientific method education .

  12. 实施科学基础数据共享工程的若干问题

    Discussion on the Implement of Scientific Data Sharing

  13. 然而目前我国很多企业根本没有制定并实施科学的人力资源战略。

    However , currently few chinese enterprises scientifically make and implement this vital strategy .

  14. 第四:建立和实施科学合理的绩效管理体系。

    Establishing and implementing effective Performance Management system .

  15. 教学质量监控体系是高等教育系统中的控制与反馈环节,实施科学的教学质量监控能有效地提高教学质量。

    The implementation of the teaching quality control system can effectively control teaching quality .

  16. 生物学教育要实施科学素质教育,必须在上述三个方面全面加以实施。

    Biology teaching should use scientific diathesis education based on these three aspects introduced above .

  17. 本文用质性方法对两位理科教师实施科学探究教学活动进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes scientific inquiry instruction of two science teachers by qualitative research methods .

  18. 各级政府都要从实施科学管理的需要出发,制定和实施本级政府的城镇体系规划。

    To make and implement township system planning is one of the responsibilities of government .

  19. 结论运用法约尔的管理原则能对临床支持中心实施科学管理。

    Conclusions Applying Fayueer s administration principle can implement scientific management for clinical support center .

  20. 要提升学生的就业素质就必须对学生实施科学有效的职业指导。

    So it is necessary to provide students scientific and effective vocational and career guidance .

  21. 文物管理的目的是为了对文物实施科学有效的保护,文物的维修也是为了保护文物。

    The purpose of management and maintenance of cultural relics is to exercise scientific and effective protection .

  22. 制定和实施科学,合理规划城市的住房发展。

    C the formulation and implementation of scientific and rational planning of the city 's housing development .

  23. 公共财政制度成为实施科学发展观的关键性支撑条件。

    Therefore , public fiscal system has become the key supporting term of actualizing scientific development concept .

  24. 实施科学管理;

    Implement scientific management ;

  25. 三是重视资源养护资源科技支撑作用,实施科学养护。

    Three is the focus on resources conservation resources and technological support , the implementation of scientific maintenance .

  26. 把握医院经营环境实施科学发展战略&2006中国医院院长高峰论坛综述

    Strategy of scientific development view in current hospital operation context & review of hospital president forum , 2006

  27. 并尝试提出在高等教育中实施科学精神教育时所采取的多种途径。

    And try a variety Scientific spirit education of ways in on the implementation of the higher education .

  28. 公司治理结构不合理,难以实施科学管理;

    Secondly , the company manages the structure absurdity , and is hard to carry out science management ;

  29. 将多种门类的档案进行科学合理的分类,是国家实验室实施科学管理的重要工作之一。

    This is a important work of the country laboratory that scientific sort and manage all kinds of archives .

  30. 实施科学方法教育是落实培养学生科学素养教学理念的一个重要方面。

    Implementation of the scientific education is an important aspect of the teaching philosophy of cultivating students ' scientific literacy .