
  1. 简论古代汉语定语后置问题&定语后置说质疑

    Brief Analysis on the Post-position of Attribute in Ancient Chinese

  2. 英国都铎王朝宗教改革研究英语中的定语后置

    The Study about the English Reformation under the Tudor

  3. 数量定语后置也有很多独特的语用效果。

    The Numeral Attributive placed after the Noun-center also has many unique pragmatic effects .

  4. 古代汉语的定语后置问题

    Postpositive Attribute in Ancient Chinese

  5. 英语中的定语后置

    On the English Rhythm

  6. 《诗经》中的特殊语序有谓语前置、宾语前置、定语后置等几种。

    There are six special word orders in it : object ahead of predicate , object ahead of verb , modifier behind central word etc.

  7. 本文的观点是,定语后置这种句法形式是不存在的,被一些学者看作是定语后置的例句,当属不同的结构形式,这一点通过句法结构分析可以证明。

    The standpoint of this thesis is that , the sentence type containing attribute post position dose not exist . It will be proved by syntax analysis that those examples considered as attribute post position by some scholars actually belong to other forms of sentence structure .

  8. 在句子层面上,科技文本翻译的译者应不拘泥于英语的句式结构,采用顺译或提前等灵活的办法处理定语后置句的翻译,并利用拆分的方法处理英语科技文本中的长难句。

    As for the sentence translation in the technical texts , the translator , not sticking to the structure of sentences , can deal with the sentences with post attributive by adopting linear translation method or putting the attributive in advance and translate the long sentences with division method .

  9. 浅谈英语中的后置定语汉英后置定语对比分析

    The Analytical Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Postpositive Attributive

  10. 在这样的实验中,能够训练昆虫飞向紫外线,而紫外线对我们来说只是一片黑暗。(非限制性定语从句后置,重复先行词)

    In such an experiment the insects can be taught to fly to the ultra-violet , which for us is just darkness .

  11. 前置定语与后置定语在英汉两种语言中既存在共同点,又各自有自己的特色。

    The prepositive attributives and postpositive attributives in the English and Chinese languages have some similarities and also have their own distinct characteristics .

  12. 本文主要研究科技英语中的后置定语,后置定语变换形式多,是科技英语句式长和结构复杂的重要原因之一。

    This paper focuses on the postpositive attributes in EST , as their great varieties are the key reasons for a lot of long sentences and complicated structures .

  13. 是他接到了那封信,说他的叔叔去世了。(限制性定语从句,后置省略先行词)

    It is he who received the letter that announced the death of his uncle .

  14. 文章指出泰国汉语生语中受泰语干扰比较明显的几种语法偏误现象:量词、否定词误用,定语、状语后置等。

    This paper points out several obviously grammatical error phenomenon caused by the interference of Thai language in Chinese life in Thailand , such as the mistaken use of measure word and negative word , post attribute and post adverbial , etc.

  15. 浅谈英语中的后置定语分析充当汉英后置定语的语法单位,并对汉英后置定语进行分类。

    This part also analyzes the syntax units used as English and Chinese postpositive attributive , and gives a general classification .

  16. 按照位置,可以将定语分为前置定语和后置定语。

    There are PageRankepositive and postpositive attributes in terms of position .

  17. 从语义和认知的层面总结了前人对定语位置的研究,并讨论了英语前置定语和后置定语的用法,最后对汉语和英语定语在语义和认知层面进行对比,分析其共性和差异。

    The former research about the place of attributive are summarized from the semantic and cognitive level and the usage of pre-attributive and post attributive of English is discussed .

  18. 数量词作定语后置于名词中心语,有着悠久的历史,现代汉语中的数量定语后置分为两种:一种是因为古汉语的遗留;另一种是出于语用的原因。

    That the Numeral Attributive placed behind the Noun-center has a long history . Among the Modern Chinese language it is divided into two cases : one is due to the legacy of Ancient Chinese ; the other one is for pragmatic reasons .