
dìng rì jìng
  • heliostat
定日镜[dìng rì jìng]
  1. 定日镜是塔式太阳能发电系统的重要组成部分。

    Heliostat plays an important part in the tower solar power system .

  2. 塔式太阳能热发电中的定日镜跟踪系统设计

    Design of heliostat tracking system used in tower type solar energy thermal power generation

  3. 一个适当的阳光提炼厂将有40000个定日镜。

    A proper sunlight refinery will be 40000 heliostats .

  4. 提出了塔式太阳能热发电站定日镜场设计的两个基本原则。

    Two basic principles for heliostat field layout in tower SPPs are proposed .

  5. 我们去的这个工厂只是一个测试设施,有400个定日镜。

    This plant we went to is only a test facility , 400 heliostats .

  6. 利用MATLAB/SIMULINK平台对闭环的定日镜自适应跟踪系统进行仿真。

    The closed-loop adaptive heliostat tracking system is simulated via MATLAB / SIMULINK platform .

  7. 凹面定日镜聚焦性能的分析

    Analysis for focusing performance of concave heliostats

  8. 定日镜反射光斑仿真及定日误差的视觉测量技术研究

    The Simulation of Solar Reflection Spot and Research for Vision Measurement Technology of Heliostat 's Error

  9. 高亮度后向反射板栅定日镜反射板基于薄板弯曲理论的挠度分析


  10. 探讨塔式太阳能热发电系统中,定日镜布局与接收塔的分布关系。

    The distribution of heliostats and the receiving tower in the tower-solar thermal generation system is discussed .

  11. 塔式太阳能热发电厂的定日镜有效利用率计算

    The calculating of the shadow and block effect of the heliostat field in tower solar power plants

  12. 确定了太阳能热发电站设计容量与集热器相对于定日镜中心点高度的关系。

    The relationship between the tower height and the design capacity of the aim plant is found .

  13. 为了验证理论计算得到的结论,开展了定日镜传动系统的传动精度实验研究。

    The research of transmission accuracy has been carried out in order to test the theoretical calculation result .

  14. 塔式球面定日镜远焦距聚光原理

    The principle of the spherical heliostat focusing with a long focal distance in the tower solar concentrating system

  15. 导出了定日镜反射辐射量与其在镜场中位置之间的关系。

    The relationship between the position and the efficiency and quantity of the reflected radiation of the heliostat in the field is deduced .

  16. 在塔式太阳能热发电中,定日镜的聚光精度对发电站的工作效率起着决定性的影响。

    In tower solar thermal power generation , the focusing accuracy of heliostat plays a decisive role in work efficiency of generation station .

  17. 定日镜是一种在钢结构支撑下,可以实时进行方位角和仰角的调整,跟踪太阳的反射镜系统。

    Heliostat is a kind of reflector tracking the sun on support of steel structure by regulating its azimuth and elevation in real time .

  18. 目前,如何实现大规模定日镜高精度跟踪和控制,已经成为阻碍塔式太阳能技术在我国应用的核心问题。

    In the solar power tower system , to achieve the high-precision control of the mass heliostats is a key problem restricting its application in China .

  19. 为深入研究塔式太阳能热发电技术,实现大规模定日镜的高精度、高效率跟踪控制奠定了良好的基础。

    The conclusions of this thesis lay a foudation to achieve the high-precision and high-efficiency control of the mass heliostats for the solar power tower technology .

  20. 通过有限元计算模型,进行动力时程分析,计算动态响应,得到不同工况下定日镜的风振系数。

    The finite element computation model was established to make kinetic time interval analysis , compute dynamic response , and obtain its wind vibration coefficients under different operating situations .

  21. 因此,每隔几秒钟,我们就会得到一个关于光束走向的测量,我们可以命令定日镜进行小的修正,以优化其跟踪。

    So every few seconds , we get a measurement of where that beam is going and we can command the heliostat to make small corrections to optimize its tracking .

  22. 总之,这些被称为定日镜,这个太阳能炼油厂之所以工作得这么好,是因为在这些镜子和玻璃杯下面有非常简单的马达,他们可以被远程控制。

    Anyway , these are called heliostats and the reason this solar refinery works so well is that under these mirrors and shot glasses are pretty simple motors that they can control remotely .

  23. 基于机械动力学,运用欧拉旋转矩阵理论建立了双轴、三维的定日镜聚光运动模型,提出了定日镜聚光控制策略,并进行了仿真和实验验证及误差分析。

    Based on the dynamics of machinery and Eulerian angles matrix theories , an ideal two-axis heliostat model which is a three-dimensional motion system is built . Then proposed a solar concentrating algorithm for the heliostats .

  24. 本文对定日镜的闭环自适应控制策略进行了研究,通过将模型参考自适应理论运用到定日跟踪系统当中,构成闭环的自适应定日镜跟日系统,提升定日镜跟日系统的精度。

    This paper studies on the closed-loop adaptive control strategy of heliostat . By combining the model reference adaptive control theory with heliostat tracking system , form a closed-loop adaptive heliostat tracking system to enhance the accuracy of altitude-azimuth tracking angle .

  25. 在镜场并行仿真程序的基础上进行了定日镜场调度的研究,在开环和闭环情况下,提出不同的镜场调度策略,并进行了模拟分析,结果表明了调度策略的有效性。

    Based on the GPU codes for the efficiency calculation , heliostat schedule is studied . Various schedule strategies are proposed in the case of open-loop and closed-loop . The effectiveness of the methods is demonstrated by the simulation results . 4 .

  26. 我们基本上把它设计成高度自动化的机器人拖拉机,可以开沟,放置定日镜的底座,浇筑混凝土,之后再高效放置驱动器和镜子。

    We essentially designed this to be highly automated , robotic tractors that can carve the trenches , place the heliostat foundations , pour the concrete and then the drives and the mirrors are set on afterward in a very efficient way .